Return of money for Aliexpress

Return of money for Aliexpress

Even if you have been ordered for a long time on AliexpressWith you at any time can happen unpleasant - the seller sent you a frank marriage, the parcel was lost somewhere in the way or you just changed my mind with buying and want to return our blood. On the Aliexpress For a long time, there is a successful practice of returning funds through a dispute or cancellation of the order. Let's figure it out how to make it as quickly and painless as possible.

Reasons for the return of money for Aliexpress

On the Aliexpress There is an excellent buyer protection system, and you can always return your money at any time before making the parcel receipt, in the following cases:

  • the parcel was not sent to you. The description of the product always indicates the estimated delivery time and the time during which the seller must have time to send the goods. If he did not meet in time, then the autotraman of your order is happening and then the refund takes place for several days without your participation; Return 1 reasons
  • you changed my mind, found a more advantageous offer and decided to cancel the paid order. If the seller did not have time to send the parcel, he could agree and return the money to you. When requesting cancellation, specify the reason and must wait for confirmation from the seller; Returns2 reasons
  • you stayed disappointed with the purchase - you were sent a frank neliqual or the seller was wrong and sent another size, in these and other cases and you can return money through the dispute. Disputes to Aliexpress - a common phenomenon, and if you follow the basic rules, you can achieve a complete return of funds quickly and without nerves.

Return money through the dispute system on Aliexpress

Having received the coveted parcel, you open it in anticipation, and, instead of feeling joy, get deep disappointment. Upset in advance is not necessary - you can always return the spent opening a dispute with unscrupulous sellers. Open debate is possible for the following reasons:

  • the track is not monitored for a long time;
  • package did not come in a timely manner;
  • customs did not miss a commodity;
  • product characteristics are significantly different for the worse from those stated in the description;
  • goods found to be defective;
  • during transport the goods was damaged;
  • the seller has mixed size, color or quantity.

In the first three cases, the seller agrees to return the money without much legal wrangling, in other cases, have to fight for their money, and knowledge of the basic rules of the dispute will equip us in this difficult struggle. Consider the lack of conformity to the example described, therefore, came to us to cover the wrong size phone.

  • Go to the website, in the section My orders.


  • Select the problematic order and press Open a dispute.


  • In order to begin the process of dispute, choose an issue in the list of suggestions, and notes that the goods have been received.

dispute 3

  • On the next page it is especially important not to make mistakes when choosing a satisfactory resolution of the dispute you. It is not necessary to demand a full refund, leave the seller at least 10% of the cost. The vast majority of disputes with the partial reimbursement of the money ends fast and always in favor of the buyer, while the dispute with full reimbursement may last indefinitely. The seller will be to extend the latter argument, claiming you as a commodity. In this case, your categorical and principles can play a cruel joke.


  • Choose a partial refund, specify the amount and in your own words describe your claim to the goods. Write simply and briefly. Add a couple of photos, and press Send.

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  • On the decision of the seller of the dispute is given 5 days and in case of satisfaction of your claims, will receive a message of this type.

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But be prepared that the seller will go on principle and you have to fight with arguments for their case.

How does a refund for your purchase on Aliekspress

Thus, the seller agreed to these terms and has decided to refund you. It confirms the dispute and order status changes. To see the step of returning the money, go to the troubled order and payment, click the tab. In a special form of clearly showing all return step.

Payment for purchases occurs through different payment systems, and they all are different from them different. So, on Alipay the payment will return on the same day, and on the Internet wallet Yandex.Money will have to wait 10 working days. Special table will reveal this question in more detail.


"Golden" rules of dispute on Aliexpress

If you adhere to the following rules, you will be able to save not only your blood, but also good relations with the seller:

  • reinforce your claims with photos, at least three pieces on which the non-compliance of the goods is clearly seen;
  • play for psychology - do not require a complete return, leave the seller at least $ 1;
  • if the seller demands to return the goods, in no case do not refuse, agree to do this, but by his account. Just tell him that shipping costs can exceed the price of the goods itself;
  • do not insult, do not blame and do not write the seller that he is wrong.

In order to never get into similar situations, carefully study the rating of the seller and the goods, the number of truthful reviews before paying the order. Try to bypass the goods at suspiciously low prices and then you will remain not only with your money, but also nerves.

Comments leave a comment
Marina 18/11/2016 at 11:47.

and Immediately Pressed to Cancel The Order. I PAID 47,9 USD, and RETURNED TO ME ONLY 15.9 USD. Why ????????


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