How to win an dispute on Aliexpress

How to win an dispute on Aliexpress

Purchases on Aliexpress Convenient in that they have a certain protection, as they fall under the action of Escrow. If something went wrong with your order, for example, he came with a marriage or stayed along the way, then you can open a dispute with the seller. According to the rules, the seller receives money for his goods only after the buyer confirms the receipt of the order or after the end of its protection. This suggests that it makes no sense to solve problems with the seller, because he will not be able to return the money to you, because he has not yet received it. The only correct way to solve problems in the transaction on Aliexpress - dispute.

It is important to remember that the buyer has a limited period during which he will be able to challenge his purchase. You can find out about its duration in the section of my orders → View Details. After the specified time, the buyer’s money is automatically credited to the seller’s account and it will be impossible to return them.

How to win an dispute on Aliexpress

  • If your product did not come on time, and the seller did not extend the delivery time, then you need to open a dispute and demand a refund. Trade platform Aliexpress Gives 15 days to ensure that you and the seller come to coordination. If this does not happen, the dispute will not be resolved, then it will develop into a claim and go to the administration Aliexpress. The fact is that administrators can consider the claim within two months, so agreeing with the seller will be much faster and more convenient. Therefore, it is better to first try to contact the seller, but if he does not respond to messages, only then you can safely open a dispute with him.

  • If the resulting product with marriage or does not correspond to what you ordered, then you can initially try to directly agree with the seller and demand compensation. If this does not give any result, then you need to open a dispute. To do this, select the Open Dispute button and fill out the form.

How to win an dispute on Aliexpress: consider each item separately

  • DID You Receive Your Goods? - Choose Yes if the goods came or no if not.
  • Prlease Tell Us Your Solution - give an assessment of the damage to the resulting. If the defect is minimal, you can demand a fourth part of the cost of the goods, if the product does not function at all or categorically differs from what was proposed initially, then you need to return all the money back.
  • Do you Want to Ship the Goods Back? - No need to send the goods back, so you will lose a lot of time and nerves.
  • Please Write Your Request Detail - Write in English as for the selected product and seller.
  • Please Upload Attachments - here attach the files proving your case. Firstly, if the product differs from what was presented in the picture, then you need to attach a photo, if not a member of the dimensions, take pictures with the ruler. Secondly, if the device does not work, then you need to shoot the video and send it as evidence of marriage. Thirdly, if the packaging was damaged, it is better to open the parcel along with the postal staff, if some defects are detected, you must immediately draw up an act.

As you can see, make purchases on Aliexpress is not so scary, because you can always open a dispute and prove your case. Do everything on time, attach convincing evidence and the dispute will be resolved in your direction.

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