How to return the goods to the store

How to return the goods to the store

You have the opportunity to return a purchase to the store, which did not come to you for any reason. The basis for this is " Law on Consumer Protection". Check out the necessary information and with a calm soul, go to the store with a commodity.

Return is not subject to some products, with the exception of marriage. You can view a complete list in the Resolution " On approval of the rules for selling certain types of goods ".

Remember that you can give the purchase or exchange it subject to the maintenance of the commodity, consumer properties and factory labels. In other words, you can return to the store only the goods that did not use. An exception is only products of improper quality. When buying goods it is very important to keep the check. Without it, it will be very difficult for you to hand over the product back.

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If you have lost a check, you can refer to witnesses or present a technical passport, instruction manual, packaging elements and other things that are about the store or product. For fourteen days from the date of purchase, you can pass the goods, asking him to replace or return the funds - at your discretion. First refer to the seller.

If necessary, come together to the law "On Consumer Rights Protection" and ask the Seller to conduct an examination. If he denies you in your request, feel free to go to the main manager, the director of the store or his deputy. If you refuse to listen to you, contact the Consumer Rights Protection Organization. Addresses of departments in different regions you can see on the site -

You can also contact Rospotrebnadzor. All details are described on the official website - If you want to return the money, write a statement. In the upper right corner, indicate F.O.O. and the position of the director of the store, its name and address. After the word "from", specify your Full name, address, series and passport number. In the middle of the line write "statement".

From the new line to briefly set out the situation. Be sure to specify the date of purchase, as well as the brand and article article. After the word "please", set out a request for the return of money for the purchase. Do not forget to specify the refund method - postal transfer, cash payment or transfer to a bank card. Specify the address or card number, when selecting a specific method of returning the means.

At the end, put the date and signature. For ten days, the seller must fulfill your requirements. If he is examined, fourteen days is given to fulfill the obligation. In case of delay in every day, a penalty will be charged in the amount of 1% of the purchase cost.

The same laws act if you buy products via the Internet. Only in this case it is necessary to write and send an application within seven days after the product is obtained. The seller is obliged to return funds or exchanged goods for ten days from the date of receipt of the application.

If the seller does not indicate the procedure about the procedure and timing of the return of the purchase (and most often it happens), you have the right to return it within three months. An interesting fact is a list of products that cannot be returned, does not apply to virtual stores, it is possible for now.

Do not be afraid to defend your rights. If sellers offer you to replace the goods, you have the right to refuse and demand money.

Agree that the desire to return the goods to the store occurs not so rarely. Therefore, in the case of marriage detection, inappropriate color, style, size or other purchase properties, do not hesitate to contact the store and give it away.

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