How to return the income tax for the purchased apartment

How to return the income tax for the purchased apartment

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to temporarily exemption from paying taxes when buying an apartment. This right can be realized only once in life, so do not hurry. Check out information on the right to return taxes and take the right decision.

The right to tax deduction has only those persons who regularly pay a state tax in the amount of 13%. Only the amount you paid for the past three years will be considered to return. Please note that the state tax returns to you, which does not exceed two million rubles, even if you have spent much more funds. Remember that you can write a statement about the return of taxes within three years from the date of purchase of the apartment. If you missed this period, do not despair - you still have the opportunity to return the state tax through the court.

Prepare all the necessary documents in advance. You will need a certificate for the form of a form of 2-NDFLs from all areas of work in which you have worked for the declared period, the contract of sale of housing, receipt of payment for the purchase of real estate, certificate of ownership of housing and passport data. To get exemption from paying taxes, contact the tax service at your place of residence. You will be asked to fill out a document in the form of 3-NDFL.

In the tax service, you will see samples of forms for which you can fill in the declaration. If you have a computer and access to the Internet, you can make a tax return house in electronic form and bring it to the tax service. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation -, then download and install the Declaration program for the current year. The program is convenient because it is endowed with pop-up tips that will help you quickly and competently fill out the form.

The finished declaration and package of required documents should be submitted to the tax service to the thirtieth of April. If you are planning to return the public tax in 2015, submit a declaration for 2012, 2013 and 2014. Together with them, apply for tax refund. You can submit documents to personally or resort to the services of special companies.

You have the opportunity to get the entire amount of return in cash. Such a statement will be treated for three months. You are right to file it only a year after buying an apartment. Together with him, attach the number of the current account, to which the state will list you money. If you wish to return the amount in non-cash in parts, in a month your employer will be given a document about your right to tax deduction. If you received it personally, pass the company in the accounting department in which you work. In this case, you will not charge 13% of the state tax monthly until the amount of deduction is completely exhausted.

Tax deduction - Calculator 2

If there are several people owners, each of them has the right to return taxes. In this case, you will only get the part of the amount that belongs to you. The rest of the money will be distributed among other participants. You can negotiate with your relatives and distribute parts of the return of taxes among themselves. For example, one person will receive a 60% refund, and another 40%. It often happens that one relative is completely refused to return taxes to provide this right to another.

Thus, to get a return tax is not as difficult as it seems. If you have additional questions, you can ask them directly to employees of the tax service when you submit a declaration and a standard set of documents.

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