How to reduce income tax

How to reduce income tax

Based on the tax declaration, all individuals are taxed. At the moment it is 13% and paid in the form of 3-NDFL. Few people know, but in some cases it is possible to reduce the amount of annual income tax.

First, calculate the value of the standard tax deduction. If your monthly income does not exceed 40.000 rubles, you have the full right to subtract from the monthly compulsory payment of 400 rubles.

You can also subtract out of the mandatory monthly tax of 300 rubles, provided that you suffered from radiation impact, you are a military personnel with disabilities or disabled in the Second World War. Warn tax inspectorate about your merits or notify the personnel department. For a lonely parent, the tax decreases by 600 rubles, and for the usual - on 300. In addition, all citizens who relate to the preferential category have the right to subtract out of the mandatory monthly payment of 500 rubles.

If you are charity, you can also qualify for a reduction in income tax. This category includes all kinds of donations to churches, hospitals, orphans, etc.

If you have acquired real estate in the amount of no more than 1,000,000 rubles, it will be free from taxes. Every month, instead of deducting money, you will receive a surcharge at 13% until you return the money spent. Please note that you can use this service only once, so when buying cheap Khrushchev, it makes no sense to use your right, but to decide, of course, you. Go to the tax inspection at your place of residence with documents confirming the purchase of housing.

If a real estate purchase agreement includes several owners, deductions must host them between them proportionally. You can negotiate with each other. If this is a close relative, dispense among yourself the amount that will arrange you both. Someone can get a larger part, someone - less. To prevent future misunderstandings, it is recommended to cross the contract with notarial printing. Please note that you will not receive a discount if you have led housing for a child, you purchased it from a friend, relative or in connection with business activities.

If you spent about 38,000 rubles for the treatment of yourself or relatives, this amount will not be deducted from future taxes. As in the case of housing, every month you will add 13% of this amount to pay. The operations acquired medications made procedures, etc. will be taken into account. The main thing is to have documentary evidence. Therefore, try to maintain checks, a copy of the license of the Russian medical organization, a copy of the contract for the provision of services, etc. Birth in a paid institution is also included in this category.

If you study on a paid department of the university, you can qualify for a refund of 38,000 rubles. This rule also acts on your children if they are trained in school or institute. At the same time, native children should be no more than 24 years old, and the reception is not more than 18. You will also have to prepare documentary evidence in the form of checks and documents. Try to collect all the evidence, because it will be offensive if you are refused to reduce income tax due to the lack of one lost check.

If you just learned about the possibility of reducing income tax, but you think that time is lost - know, it is not. You can apply for the return of overlaid taxes within three years from the moment of treatment, education, etc.

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