How to calculate wage taxes

How to calculate wage taxes

The most important aspect in the activities of accountants of firms and enterprises is the accrual of employee salary. All employees should be accurately in time to receive the correct salary. After all, the relationship between colleagues to their work depends on this, and the quality of work performed. It is unlikely that someone will like if an accountant is deducting out of salaries a large amount of tax than is supposed due to inattention. How to check whether personal income tax is kept or not?

The tax is% of the salary, which is charged with the income of the individual and transfer the city to the local budget. Basically, this rate is 13%.

Calculate the tax is quite simple. For example, s / n employee 8000 rubles. To find out, the amount of deduction, it is necessary to divide the 8000 to 100 and multiply by 13, or immediately - multiply by 0.13. It turns out 1040 rubles - this is the retention (tax) from wages.

The tax in the amount of 30% is removed from a person who works on a Russian company, but more than six months live abroad, or is 6 or more months on a business trip. Accordingly, the calculation of the tax amount is carried out by the same scheme as above, only instead of 13%, we take 30%.

If he earns 15,000 rubles. per month, the tax will be equal to: 15000 x 0.30 \u003d 4500 rubles. Such an amount will be kept in the budget, and 10,500 rubles will remain on s / n.

If the worker drove into Russia, then it is considered a non-resident. And the first six months of NDFL on the salary will be 30%, and after this time - 13%. Therefore, such citizens are beneficial during these 6 months not anywhere to leave the country.

After the calculations given, you yourself can easily find out your salary tax. Everything is considered quickly and simple, especially if there is a calculator at hand.





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