How to calculate the amount of value added tax

How to calculate the amount of value added tax

VAT is a value added tax calculated as the difference between the tax received and paid. At the moment, the tax rate, according to the current tax legislation of the Russian Federation, is 18%. In some cases provided by the Code of Cases, a rate of 10% or 0% is applied.

The resulting amount is calculated by the following formula: NP \u003d SP-SP / 1.18, where NP is the tax amount obtained, the joint venture is the total amount of payment received for the product or service, 18% is the tax rate. For activities taxable value-added tax on a 10% scale, the formula will have the following form: NP \u003d SP-SP / 1.10.

Tax Vacations (1)

The so-called deduction or size of the paid VAT amount at a tax rate of 18% is determined by the same formula: Well \u003d Su-Su-Su / 1.18, where well - the tax paid, Su is the amount of the payment supplier for goods or services. If the tax rate is 10%, then the formula corresponds to the following form: Well \u003d Su-Su / 1.10. To identify no amounts paid for goods and services not taxable value added.

The amount of value added tax, to be held in the budget, is defined as follows: NB \u003d NP-well. If the result is negative, that is, the amount of acquisition exceeds the volume of sales, then the payment in the budget is not carried out, and the difference obtained is taken into account in the following tax reporting periods.

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You can calculate value added tax in a slightly different way. NB \u003d (SP-SU) / 1.18 or NB \u003d (SP-SU) / 1.10, depending on the tax rate applied.

For accuracy of calculating the amount of tax payable to the budget, one of the numerous accounting programs can be used.

The exact following shallow formulas for the calculation of value added tax will avoid fines and detachments of tax liabilities associated with accounting errors.

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