How to calculate transport tax

How to calculate transport tax

Tax to which your vehicle is subject to calculate quite simple. How to do this, consider in this instruction.

First of all, it can be done independently, armed with a calculator and acting tax Code. In addition, for calculating, you will need information about your car, which are contained in the technical instrument passport, instructions on the operation of a car or certificate of registration of the vehicle.

You can also use special online services that, after entering all the data, will indicate you the desired amount of tax. Among all sites such services provide: Calksoft.,, 1Calculator other.

Consider in more detail how it can be done using the service on the site. Calksoft.. To do this, on the main page among calculatory groups, select the Tax Calculators group.

Among the possible online tax calculations, select "Transport Tax".

Here you will get into the menu where you can choose the calculation of this tax by regions, as well as depending on the specifics of the vehicle itself. Since the transport tax includes in Russia in Russia to the group of regional taxes, choose "Calculators of transport tax on regions of Russia".

We choose your region - the region, the area or the republic and in the appeared window, fill in the following data:

  • That year for which you want to know the amount of tax.
  • Once again, we specify your region, since in various regions the tax rate can differ significantly.
  • Vehicle category.
  • The power of the car, it can be specified either in horsepower either in kW. Some taxpayers argue that the calculation of the capacity of kilowatts is more profitable than in LS. Try to calculate in two versions.
  • The period for which you need to calculate the tax.

Automatically, the amount of tax will appear on the screen, which you can later pay, contacting any bank or by mail, as well as using online payment services of various services.

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