How to return the car in the car dealership

How to return the car in the car dealership

It would seem, when buying a new car, there should be no problems with the quality of the goods, but it is not always the case. A certain percentage of marriage is laid in any production, and the automotive industry is not an exception. But it is not worth upset in advance. If deficiencies are found, the car can be returned to the salon.

Most often, the reason for the return of a new car is the detection of significant drawbacks during the use of the warranty coupon. This can be attributed to malfunctions in the gearbox, engine, suspension, the appearance of rust foci, the destruction of the paint and varnish and so on. When returning the owner of the vehicle may require it to replace it with a new one, return money or refund the cost of eliminating a shortage. But it should be remembered that under the law, the client has the right to demand the replacement of the goods (or return of money) when the deficiencies are found within 15 calendar days from the date of its acquisition.

The car is in the list of technically complex goods (according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.11.2011 N 924). This fact allows for the replacement of the goods of improper quality even 15 days after its acquisition. But for this, it will have to prove that the identified disadvantage is essential, otherwise to return money or replace the car will not work. An essential drawback is considered:

  • non-resistant drawback;
  • disadvantage, the elimination of which is unprofitable (due to significant spending time, financial resources);
  • disadvantage that manifests itself repeatedly;
  • the disadvantage that is repeatedly manifested after the elimination.

Thus, if the car appeared, for example, rust or knock in the suspension, its owner may require repairs. If after the work performed this defect manifests itself again - you can demand a refund or replacement of the car.

So, when a shortage of the car should be immediately applied to the seller asking for its elimination. If your oral request in the car dealership refuse to satisfy, it is necessary to write in free form to write a claim in two copies in the first instance manager (first give the secretary, and in the second ask to put a mark on receipt and date). Complaintment form You can download on our website. In the claim you need to clearly indicate what you want: Return money, replace the goods, compensate for repair costs. About how to make a complaint correctly, you can read in article. In the event that the defect is detected after 15 days from the date of purchase, it should be applied to the claim to apply documents that confirm the materiality of the lack (this may be an expert opinion).

Expert's conclusion 4.


The answer to the claim must come within 10 days from the date of its presentation. If the seller (dealer) does not meet in these terms, you can claim to reimburse a penalty in the amount of 1% of the total cost of the car. If the answer you are not obtained at all, in accordance with Art. 17 FZ of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights" It is necessary to make a statement of claim, send it to court with all the documents confirming your truth.

An example of a completed claim You can find on our website.

Of course, the lawyer's services are not suiced, but the availability of a professional assistant will significantly increase your chances of winning if it comes to court.

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