It is unlikely that a person in his right mind will take a large amount of money without receipt to an unfamiliar face. Most often in debt take relatives or friends. There are situations where closely do not return money, but only feed promises. It is not recommended in such cases to contact private detectives or to the collector agency, since such solutions to the problem are considered illegal.
The first method on which almost all act is to solve the problem peaceful way. Explain the borrower that it is necessary to return the debt if he does not have such an opportunity at the moment - to agree on the return of money by parts. It is worth connecting common acquaintances who will be able to influence the borrower. Rarely when this method acts, but still it is worth trying.
One of the ways is to apply to law enforcement agencies. It is necessary to describe in detail the circumstances at which money did: when, where and why they lent them. It is also necessary to provide some personal data from its own borrower: address of accommodation, name, date of birth, place of work. If there are any proof of the loan (this may be a receipt of any purchase or transfer of money to the account) or witnesses, then you must provide them. A criminal case should be established on the fact of fraud. If it was denied this - it is worth getting a certificate of refusal to law enforcement agencies.
This document needs to go to court. There is also writing a statement, all the circumstances are indicated and evidence is given (there will be quite audio or video records, where a person recognizes the fact of the loan of money). After consideration, the court will make a decision on the return of debt, or justify its refusal.
In cases where a large amount was lean, often turn to collecting companies or firms that are engaged in refunds by intimidation. Such methods are considered illegal and can negatively affect the applicant. And the percentage of returns is thus the same as the same as legitimate.
Before leaving money to friends or relatives, it is worth thinking well, because there is a possibility that the debt will not be returned. If nevertheless, with such a problem, it is faced, then the question should be resolved. You can only go to court or law enforcement agencies only for three years from the date of lending to money.
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