How to make a receipt - sample

How to make a receipt - sample

The receipt is a confirmation of the receipt of money, documents, values \u200b\u200band other items that wrote her face. If disputes occur, this document may be considered in court. The receipt is compiled in free form, but there are certain requirements for the content and design of the text.

Special attention is paid to the writing of debt receipt. It happens that people give someone's large amounts for a while, and the debtor subsequently refuses or "forgets" to return duty. Or a deal is made about the purchase and sale of valuable property without financial documents (checks, receipts, parish orders). In order to maximize yourself from losing money, be sure to make a receipt, even if you are dealing with a close friend or relative.

The receipt is the one who gets anything. It is advisable to write from the hand in case if you have to identify the handwriting when resolving the dispute. Specify the following information in the list:

  • name of the document - "CONTACT";
  • date and place of document preparation;
  • FULL NAME, date of birth, full passport details, registration address and address Actual one who gets and who gives money;
  • the amount of money - first numbers, then in words;
  • the return date if the loan is fixed;
  • maximum detailed description of the product, if the purchase and sale is fixed;
  • the text should definitely indicate that money is transmitted at the time of receipt;
  • put the signatures of both sides as they stand in the passport;
  • if the process of money transfer occurred while witnesses, include the text of their name, passport details, addresses, signatures.

You can download signature samples:

It is not necessary to describe the goal of the loan, moreover, in some cases it may be unprofitable. For example, if noted that the money was transferred to commercial purposes, while business did not justify itself, then with such a wording the debtor will have legal grounds not to return debt.

The reception can be confirmed by obtaining valuable subjects, documents, gifts and other things, if it is a necessary condition for any agreements or transactions. The greater significance has the result, the more information about the participants and the transmitted subject, specify in the receipt.

Using the receipt, you can fix the intention to do any action or provide a service. In addition to the data, in clause 3, specify the exact date of execution, and if it is provided for by the agreement, a fine for delay is a digit and in words. The one who is provided service will have to fix it in full - the corresponding text is written on a sheet of receipt, under the main text.

A compiled document must be checked for errors and typos. Particular attention should be paid to passport data (including the validity of the passport at the time of signing the receipt), amounts and dates.

The receipt, certified by the notary, is of great value if it comes to the trial in court.

Critting with blots and corrections can be considered invalid. If an error was made when compiling it, the document will have to rewrite.

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