Create resume - sample

Create resume - sample

Sooner or later, but almost everyone has to deal with the search for new work. Since competition among applicants for vacancies is great, most companies at the first stage asks the applicant to provide their resume. Moreover, regardless of the intended position, whether it is a system administrator or a tram driver. Based on him, the employer invites the applicant for an interview or safely forgets about the unsuitable applicant. In order not to be in the ranks of the latter, it is only necessary to master several rules for compiling a summary.

It should be understood that the main purpose of the resume is to draw attention to its owner. Therefore, it costs to emphasize all their advantages and advantages, as well as to trigger or hide the shortcomings and weaknesses. In no case can you lie and even add information, because everything is easily checked. A good resume will tell the employer the main thing about the candidate. When writing it, it is worth paying literacy. It is better to re-send the resulting text several times than send it from a bunch of errors or typos. It is necessary to comply with the basic principles of its compilation - brevity, concreteness, focus. The latter means the presentation of all information confirming the right to apply for the desired position.

Summary 3.

Blank summary without a photo You can download here.

Summary forms There are several, but the most common are professional (universal). The information in them is represented by blocks. They approach those who have sufficient experience. And with large interruptions in labor activity or in the absence of experience, the best way out will write a functional summary. It is also suitable in descriptions of specific professions. They emphasize education, as well as special specials and knowledge. Some rules apply to volume, summary. The optimal is considered to post the necessary information on one or two pages. If it is less, the potential boss may think about the fact that the applicant is simply nothing to say. If the text is on several sheets, then they should be numbered, starting from the second, and on each indicate that the continuation is next. The font is selected for the whole text one, but the headers can be highlighted in bold.


Blank resume with photo You can download here.

It is better to have several summary options, each for a certain way of departure (by fax, e-mail or for its own hand). The information in them should be the same, only design can differ. By fax, for example, you should not send a resume with a photo. But in other cases it will be quite by the way. It will attract attention, allocate resumes from dozens of others. In addition, most of the tenants make preliminary conclusions on the fifth minute of dating a candidate, the appearance of which in some cases matters. And giving his photo, the applicant either in advance of the advantage over the rest, or without going down the employer, saves a bunch of time on the failed interview.


Sample of the filled summary Swing with us.

The resume indicates its goal, describes the position to which claim. FULL NAME, date of birth, address, marital status, contact phones and email. Then the formation is listed in the reverse chronological order of it. First, the main highest, then additional, then college, school or technical school, etc. School should be mentioned only in cases if it is over with a medal or has been linguistic. If such are available, you need to mention about publications, their developments. The following describes the existing experience of work activity, also in reverse order. Namely: the starting and ending dates, the name of enterprises occupied by the listing of all the functions and responsibilities. It is worth writing about additional skills, such as foreign languages, work skills with computer programs and systems, on the presence of a driver's license. Completes the summary of the signature and date of it.


Sample Summary 2 on our website.

It is advisable to approach the compilation of the summary responsibly, because this may depend on the brilliant career future. The more competent, it is fuller and true it is written, the more likely to get a cherished office.

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