How to draw up a product delivery agreement

How to draw up a product delivery agreement

The economic activity of any enterprise implies a negotiable relationship with suppliers and counterparties. To make the right contract for the implementation of a particular activity, should not be included in the legal office for advice. If you competently understand your business and correctly treat laws, you can do it yourself. Let's find out in more detail how the delivery contract is issued.

The contract for the supply of products (or product) is a fundamental among a number of documents of the enterprise. In fact, he acts as a type of sale of sale, only taking into account its functional features. According to the terms of such a contract, the supplier must send the load (products) to the specified place, focusing at a certain time and stipulated conditions.

The contractual relations between business entities are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. As read article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian FederationThe contract is recognized as valid and legitimate only when both parties have found a compromise in negotiations, and agree with all the conditions, fastening it with their signatures.

At the same time, it must necessarily contain the following signs:

  1. A specific delivery time must be specified;
  2. Goods are assumed only for business activities;
  3. Suppliers can be both individuals and commercial structures;
  4. The subject of agreement - the goods must be manufactured or acquired by the seller.

To subsequently not encounter problems, it is necessary to follow the specific stages of the preparation of the goods supply agreement.

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The first step is to register the subject of the contract, in our case it is a product (or products). For example, specify that you deliver stationery or children's clothing. However, do not forget to make a complete list of goods in the annex to the contract (application) - the nomenclature, the number, name. In the contract itself, you simply refer to the specified list of auxiliary material.

Pricing conditions, dimension and delivery times must be specified with a companion in advance. These items of a separate line should sound clearly in the contract, without unnecessary inner words. It is attached to it, an invoice or an application in the form of a list, where for each delivery of the goods all this is prescribed. Be sure to refer to the attached material. To eliminate conflict situations, in the contract conditions for each batch of goods separately, given the entire range. This information is also indicated in the invoice and preliminary application for the Agreement. Do not be afraid to use the "principle of detail", it helps to solve the controversial points of the execution of the contract points. Try not to rely on the "raw" sample of such documents of other companies and businesses. Your document must be "special", given all the specifics of production.

Pre-sketch the contract layout, given the above-described tips. Then proceed to the application for the contract. It is her who you send your counterparty to agree. As a rule, a nomenclature series, conditions, deadlines, price and work order are discussed here. If the seller approves your suggestions, he signs an application and sends a response by mail, fax or transfers directly into hand. All documents, correspondence with the partner, keep in the form of electronic and printed documents in several copies.

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  • Sample Product Supply Application;
  • Filled sample application for the delivery of goods;
  • Sample of the act of receiving goods.

So halfway you have already passed. Now it remains for small - to arrange the contract itself on the planned plan. We write the conditions agreed with the counterparty and do not forget to enter the point that an agreement was reached in the form of a preliminary application. In addition, the obligatory item should indicate the procedure of proceedings in the event of a violation of the conditions of the document. After drawing up the full version of the product delivery contract, you can invite a partner to sign it.

Often the moments occur when the terms of the agreement are not met. However, if you have compiled a good agreement, it should not be a big problem. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a claim in which to describe the essence of the dispute arising and damaged and send it to its partner. If necessary, you can contact the court. Or change the terms of the contract, but for this we need certain conditions, which regulates chapter 29 kg of the Russian Federation.

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The qualitative preparation of the goods supply contract is the key to the success of doing business. This makes it possible to strengthen contractual relations with the supplier, as well as protect you from problems on the work of work.

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