How to draw up a gift agreement

How to draw up a gift agreement

Darment agreements every year are becoming more and more relevant. You can give any ownership, from cash to elite real estate, and anyone, whether it is a relative or a new acquaintance. The popularity of gift is explained simply: this is saving time spent forces and even money if the gift is intended to be your close relative, because from the payment of the tax, in this case, it is legally released. Often they are resorted to them and in the case when they want to avoid disputes about the inheritance. Consider the rules for compiling such contracts.

The undoubted advantage of the treaties under consideration is also the fact that their subject (for example) in the future, in the future, a person's gifted by you will not be able to pick up for debts, arrest, withdraw in favor of third parties. Most often donated cars, land plots, money and apartments, but you have the right to indicate other objects of alienation. If you wish, you can write it personally, since the proprietary of the notary does not provide for the law. Please note that it requires compliance with any conditions from who is intended to be a gift, you can not. You should also sign it, and the recipient of the gift, and in the case of real estate - in the presence of the registrar of the transfer of rights to this property, that is, in the UFRS.

Type items of the gift can be attributed (as they say):

  • Name of the contract;
  • City and date of compilation;
  • FULL NAME, address of accommodation, your passport details and recipient of your gift;
  • The designation of you by the "donor", and someone who give - "apparable";
  • Confirmation of the sane and the capacity of both parties;
  • Indication of the subject of the contract;
  • Recognition of the voluntaryness of this fact;
  • A guarantee that the subject is not laid down, arrested, found, promised to anyone;
  • The designation of the Party responsible for the costs of this document;
  • The procedure for consideration of disputes;
  • Specifying the number of available specimens and their location;
  • Signatures of both sides;
  • Others, at your request.

You should prescribe them no matter what is the present.

Depending on the subject of the contract you are, it must also contain some other items. So, in the event of a gift of you, specify the type of TC, model, brand, year of manufacture, color, engine rooms, chassis and body, VIN, all TCP data. You also need to enter details of the document for ownership by car. In the event that the recipient of the gift is not related to you, you can specify the cost of the machine. From this amount will depend on the amount of cash payment as a tax as well. In the contract of the presentation of funds, make an entry on the alienated amount. If the subject of the document of the document is shares, such information is required:

  • Their name;
  • The name of the body that implemented the state registration of their release;
  • Number and date of the State Registration;
  • Complete name of the issuer;
  • Nominal value and number of shares.

In the gift per apartment, it is necessary to write information about the address of finding, floor, the number of rooms, common and living space, as well as all information from documents confirming the ownership of it. When alienating the share of the apartment should be recorded with data on persons, in it registered, as well as those who are equity owners. When drawing up a domestic on the land, it is not necessary without clarifying the category of land, the address of its location, the total area, the rooms of the plot, the cadastral number, the type of allowed use. Try to describe the subjects of contracts as fully as possible, carefully check all the information made.

Plot donation agreement1

Here you can download:

If for any reason you are not confident in the correctness of the Darment Agreement, consult a notary.

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