How to issue a loan

How to issue a loan

The practice of money loan exists from the times of their existence. It is sometimes difficult to take money on credit and quite considerably, so the easiest way to take into loans from acquaintances. Most people are absolutely sincerely going to return their duty to relatives, colleagues or friends. The situation may eventually change, friends quarrel, colleagues are dismissed. It is better to immediately arise the loan to return money without judicial problems.

Money can be given in the debt "just so" or make a receipt. There is no confidence in the debtor, then in order to avoid a conflict situation, it is better to make a document - a receipt in the delivery of money. Specify the amount of the loan issued. Even if the receipt is not certified, it legally, it has the power if the debtor is written his own. In a receipt, specify: last name, first name, patronymic (fully, without abbreviations), passport details, dates of return and date of money, fines in case of non-repayment of money on time or interest, signatures of both parties.

Make a more significant document, if seriously fear for your money or amount is significant. Proceed the loan agreement and complete the receipt. You can do this in two ways: to invite one witness on each side to sign the document, or wrap off notaries. In the first case, both witnesses will have to be invited to the court, in the second - it is enough to present a document by the document, compiled on the state form and serving proof of the transaction.

Document make up clearly, without corrections and prescription. There is no special rules for registration of the receipt, but the style of the letter should be business, without artistic revolutions. Specify the interest rate size in the receipt or mark that this is a kindle loan, depending on the agreement of the parties. If this information is not specified, the rate is determined in accordance with the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which will be established at the time of the return of money. If the loan return period is not listed in the receipt, then the borrower is obliged to return debt at the request of the lender within 30 days.

Use before conclusion of the agreement the experience of banks - specify the percentage or deposit, giving off. Describe in the document how you want to get percentages: monthly or when calculating the "amount of debt + percent" at the end of the term. If the debt is repaid by parts - monthly contributions with a percentage, as in the bank, you can control the solvency of the borrower. Please note that overlapping interest from debt, you will have to pay income tax on the law.

I do not want to contact the tax, lent the money on bail. A pledge can be any property or thing. The cost of the deposit should be commensurate with the loan amount - not more than 20-30% higher than the amount taken into debt. If the debtor did not return the debt on time for any circumstances and it came to the trial, and the given amount is much less than the value of the deposit, the court will refuse to recognize the transaction equivalent.

Do not forget - the date of conclusion of the loan document must coincide with the date of money transfer. In return, you will receive a receipt from the debtor in receiving them money and better do it in the presence of a notary. This will avoid problems with the return of debt and litigation. Otherwise, the debtor may refer to the state of intoxication at the conclusion of a loan agreement or a bad state of health, somehow otherwise distorting the fact of transferring to it.

It is not necessary to compose a debt document notarily, but preferably. The notary can check the solvency of the debtor, the correctness of the compilation of the contract. If the borrower is married, then the notary will receive written consent from the spouse, since the responsibility for the return of debt falls on both. All documents are compiled in two copies.

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