Anyone can get into the situation when money is urgently needed for an expensive purchase or payment of the necessary services. When there is no time for a standard consumer loan or you doubt a positive decision of the bank, you can seek help and credit to your employer. If you have been successfully working successfully, it is quite possible to meet you and provide the necessary amount under a very small percentage.
Credit loans issued at work have their advantages over banks. One of them is a low percentage, or in general the provision of an interest-free loan. You will also do not need to collect a whole package of documents, as the employer also knows all the necessary information about you. However, it does not do without its pitfalls, so before the conclusion of the contract, all its conditions will make up.
Write an application to the name of the chief with a request to provide the necessary amount by explaining the reasons for which it needed you. Application Take the authorities and wait for the result. Based on the data presented by you, the boss will analyze whether the company can afford to provide you with a loan and its feasibility. In case of a positive solution, the issue will be issued an order or a resolution is written on your statement, after which it will be transferred to the accounting department.
Stand the conditions for granting a loan, all nuances and subtleties. By the way, you need to remember if you are provided with an interest-free loan, then you benefit, and, therefore, you need to calculate and pay personal income tax. If you want to avoid paper rolls, then a small percentage of the loan provided should be discussed. In addition, the overwhelming number of companies can provide only loans. So before signing the contract, check it out for the presence of the word "credit" otherwise you, and the employer, will have to face legal difficulties in the future.
After signing a loan agreement, you can get money on your hands or a salary card in your accounting. The return of funds should also be arranged in advance - you can return them to cash, or specify the ability to hold a part of wages, including percentage. If you chose the second option, you may need to write another statement - to the accounting department.
If your organization cooperates with various credit institutions for issuing salary, then you can take a loan directly to them. To do this, you will not need to collect all documents, enough passports and statements about the issuance of a loan. You can get money on your debit card, you can also specify the possibility of increasing overdraft and use credit funds at your discretion. At the same time, examine the conditions for granting a loan, the interest rate, how many days you can use money without accrual interest and how to extinguish the debt. By the way, if you delay the salary, the percentage should not be accrued.
A loan at work is a fairly fast and relatively convenient way to obtain funds. So if you have proven yourself as a responsible employee, you can take advantage of this benefit and avoid contacting the bank.