How to issue a cash loan

How to issue a cash loan

Sometimes there are situations in life when we ask for some amount of money in debt. The money loan is the same loan that is issued without the participation of the Bank. How to make a deal correctly so that you never had to run for the debtor?

If you know your future debtor well and trust him, you can limit the so-called "oral deal". But keep in mind that if you do not return the debt, it will be very difficult to prove something. Even if you have witnesses, such an agreement has no strength in court. It is worth thinking if you need to deal with your blood.

The most common version of the money loan is a receipt. Better if your debtor writes it from hand. Then, if the disputed situation occurs, it will be possible to conduct an examination. In the receipt, please indicate the series and passport number, the actual address and initials of the borrower. The amount of debt is written in words and numbers. It is also necessary to designate the date of granting money and the deadline for refund. The signature of taking duty should be identical to the signature in the passport. Feel free to take a receipt, even if you know a person. This is your money, there is nothing shameful in this. It is better to protect yourself.

The most reliable way to fix the cash relationship is to design a contract. It can register all conditions, including unforeseen circumstances, as well as obligations. The contract must be signed by both parties. If you are dealing with a large amount, then such a contract is better assured by the notary. All costs for design, as a rule, carries a borrower.

Another delicious moment is interest. After all, if you did not lent the money, they could put them in some case or place on a deposit. Therefore, it will be completely normal to offer the borrower to bring you the amount of debt along with interest. Usually, a landmark for calculating interest is taken by a middle rate on deposits in the bank. The interest rate also needs to be prescribed in a debt receipt or contract.

Be careful, do not part with personal finances under the "honest word". And do not forget the old saying: "Friendship friendship, and tobacco - apart."

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