How to give money on bail

How to give money on bail

In most cases, people give money in debt, but do not confirm this by the necessary documents. Perhaps this approach can be called admissible if the amount is small. But if you are going to borrow a large amount of money, you should issue a collateral contract.

First of all, appreciate the financial situation of the borrower. If you gathered to obscure this person money, we must have information about his solvency. Ask, what exactly did he needed funds. If you decide to give a loan, tell the borrower about the need to draw up a pledge agreement. In this case, the borrower will think well before leaving you with money. If he starts to eat and trying to avoid a similar deal, it is unlikely to give him a loan.

As a deposit, any thing or property can perform. It can be jewelry, watches, household appliances, car, etc. Rate the cost of collateral property. You can independently calculate the market price of the subject or resort to the services of specialists who must pay the borrower. The cost of collateral should be not lower than the amount of debt and not higher than 20-30%. Otherwise, you will not be able to pick it up because the transaction will be unequal.

Decide with the place of mortgage property. You can pick it up yourself or leave the borrower. In the latter case, it is necessary to insure property. In case of loss of the market price or its damage, you still get money. If you plan to pick up the property to yourself, make an act of acceptance and transfer to the mortgage. It needs to register the data of the parties, the reason for the compilation, the name of the property, as well as its price and quantity.

A loan agreement should also be drawn up in which the names of the parties should be indicated, the loan amount, payments, interest rates. Be sure to pride unforeseen situations. Note the period over which in the event of non-payment of property will go to your property. In the case of non-fulfillment by the borrower of their obligations, note penalties and penalties. In order for the contract to be valid, wrap it with a notary. Costs must pay the borrower.

Make a collateral contract. The borrower must provide documents confirming his ownership of the property under investigation. If immovable property is pledged, the notary must assure the contract and register it. Then transfer the contract of deposit to the Federal Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography. During the transfer of cash, notary or reliable witnesses should be attended nearby. You can also remove the transfer process on the camcorder.

Negotiations 61.

If the borrower evades the debt payment, he must provide a significant cause. Due to humanity, you can postpone the debt return period. But if the reason for non-payment is unclear, and the borrower will in every way deviate from the payments at the coming of the established period of non-payment, you have the full right to realize its property. If problems arise with the property on property, contact the court. But when drawing up an agreement of the deposit, such extremes occur very rarely.

Do not be afraid to say the borrower that you want to get a deposit. A decent person himself must propose to issue a receipt or contract of collateral. In this case, you will be exactly sure in the positive outcome of the transaction, and the borrower will respond to paying debt.

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Konstantin 04/03/2016 at 14:58

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    Catherine 09/15/2016 at 11:55.

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Andrey 09/01/2017 at 10:36.

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alexander 03/30/2017 at 19:53

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