Today, people acquiring any product, be it a cell phone, refrigerator, car or apartment, are forced to make a loan. Get a loan is not much labor, because credit organizations issue loans to almost all, however, under great interest. But there are cases when documents on credit have already been prepared, the bank approved the application, and you want to abandon the loan.
Even if a complete package of documents for registration of a loan is collected, one can refuse to enter into a loan agreement. After all, the obligations on the loan begin to act only since the signing of the loan agreement. At this stage, it is very easy to abandon the loan, there will be no obligations between the bank and the borrower. You can call the bank by phone and notify the refusal of oral form. If the contract is already signed, but the money is not yet received, the refusal procedure becomes more difficult. To terminate the contract with the Bank, it is necessary to write a statement, while carefully checking the subscribers. The refusal to credit commitments is not at all in the interests of the bank. But it should be remembered that if the documents are signed, and the money is not yet listed by the borrower, such an agreement is considered invalid. In no case cannot go on the bank and to sign documents, which states that the cash has already been received. For termination of the contract no fee should not be taken. In the event that the Bank refuses to terminate the contract, the borrower has the right to apply to the court.Customer attraction costs, a transaction design, bank borrowing data checks often include credit itself. Some banks provide commissions for consideration of applications, for re-consideration of a mortgage loan or revision of the loan already approved. Before you take a loan in a bank, you need to think well and weigh all "per" and "against".