There are often situations when money is urgently needed, but they are not. In this case, people resort to what they take money on credit. But in no bank you can not take the maximum possible amount, only on the basis of the client's desire. In different banks there are different criteria for determining the maximum amount of money issued on credit.
Analyzing the borrower, banks, first, learn the financial capabilities of the client. The study of man's wages, family availability, education, work experience, etc. are subject to research. Well, of course, all banks without exception should be provided with information on the credit history of the borrower. Thus, analysts of the financial institution establish the conditional "cost of life" and, based on this data, is concluded about the amount of the loan. The maximum loan amount is calculated, also considering how much you want to take money and under what interest rate. The longer the time and interest, the longer you can count on. For example, if you take a loan for 5 years, while the interest rate is 25%, then the maximum possible amount for a loan is 720,000 rubles.As for the maximum amount, which the Bank establishes for the monthly repayment of the loan, then there are also several ways to calculate. For example, employees of a financial institution are studied by a subsistence minimum for the region. If he, for example, is 5,000 rubles, then for a family of 4 people will need 20,000 rubles per month. Thus, the remaining 15,000 is the maximum amount of payment on the loan, which this family can afford.
If, still the client has an interest in the loan and its size, but there is no possibility to walk on different banks and calculate it, you can use special Internet resources. The credit calculator on the Internet will quickly solve this problem and will help calculate the loan size. But it should be remembered that this calculation is approximate.