How to delay Credit

How to delay Credit

Each person making a bank loan expects that he will not have difficulties with the payments of monthly payments. But to predict what will happen to his material situation during the entire credit period, no one can. In the event of instability in finances, a question may appear, and whether it will be possible to delay the payment on the burdensome loan.

The first thing to be done is to admit to the bank that you can not pay for credit accounts for some time, since you have an unforeseen financial difficulties. But with all their actions and words you should show that you are not refundable from the further payment of debt. Each borrower has the right once a year to receive benefit from the bank to pay a loan. To do this, the Bank needs to provide documents (certificate of death or serious family member disease, loss of property, certificate of income for the current and last years, the labor book with a mark on the dismissal), according to which your contract will be revised and thanks to this, you will be presented Or reduced the amount of payments.

As an option, credit deferments may be the extension of payouts. The amount of the mandatory monthly payment decreases, and the timelines themselves are extended. Thus, you can avoid accrual of fines and penalties for non-payment of the loan.

Waste of money

When the debt against the non-risk of monthly payments is growing, plus the amount of fines and penalties is added to them, there is a possibility of debt restructuring. This process involves the splitting of the entire accumulated amount of debt to equal parts and pay it within a certain time. During the payment of this money, the fines are not accrued.


Having studied carefully documents on the provision of a loan, you can find the terms of postponement of payments. In this case, you can make small "vacations" on the payment of monthly loan amounts. Again, the bank must provide documents (described above), on the basis of which the client may not make payments for some time. After the expiration of the deferred, the amount of payments increases.

With loan payments, with contacting the bank about the request, delay is not worth it. By providing the necessary documents and being extremely frank and honest with the bank, you can always count on a positive result.


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