Timely repayment of the loan is an important financial and economic operation. Credit payment is fraught with fines and increasing penalties. But what if you are ready to pay a loan, but do not have the opportunity to make a payment through the cashier in working banking time? Do not despair, for such circumstances there is a payment through an ATM.
To pay the loan, you must specify the recipient's bank account number. The personal account of the bank was reported to you when issuing a loan agreement. You can take with you the necessary document, rewrite the number in the notebook or add to the mobile phone. If you suddenly forgot to write down, look at SMS informing, usually a reminder of the upcoming payment comes from the bank to your mobile phone and contains the personal account number and the repayment community.
If you plan to pay for cash loan, you need to find an ATM with the function of receiving money, they are usually installed in the bank buildings. You can pay off the electronic card payment in any ATM, there are many such in the city. If you do not know for sure, there is such an ATM in the nearest branch, contact the bank's operator and specify information. In any case, you will be prompted, where there is a similar ATM.
After you have found the necessary ATM, select In the menu on the "Payment of Services" screen - "Credit" or "repayment of a loan". Enter the account number to enroll the funds and, if specified, other data for making the payment. When the information on the screen is displayed correctly and all data comply with the specified in the document, enter the payment of payment and click "Pay". Next will follow the opening of the bill acceptor, you need to insert the entire amount into it, and the ATM system independently recalculates money and displays information on the screen. If the stated data on the screen is correct, then press the "Pay" button again, the money will be credited to the specified account.
If you use a new, upgraded ATM, which reads the data on the bar code, then make the payment even easier. Take the notice of the upcoming payment, find the barcode, activate the scanner and bring the code to the loop to read. ATM will independently discover information on your payment on the desired page, and you will only have to make money. In this case, the likelihood of the introduction of erroneous data is excluded and as a result of a non-division of red tape.
If in addition to the loan agreement, you were given a credit card, in which case it can be used for the payment. Insert the card into an ATM, enter PIN, specify the Suma and make money. The Bank automatically lists them to its account if this condition is written in the contract.
You can also contact the Bank through a phone call, report your data and ask to attach the card available to your credit account. Operator Perform your application, after which you can use the usual card for paying a loan through an ATM.
If you enter data manually, carefully check the account correctness several times. One error is fraught with a fine, calls from the bank and bustle. Make sure that money is shipped in the right direction.