Credit can be made easily, and the choice consists not only in the amount of money, but also on the payout date. Most often, the longer time stands out for repayment of the loan, the greater the interest rate on it. It happens that the interest that you undertake to pay may be greater than the whole amount taken into debt. And then the Bank's customers are beginning to look for Lazechka in the laws not to pay interest.
In the legislation of Russia there is an option when taking a loan, the interest pay is not necessary. This applies to housing loan or mortgage. When a person takes a loan to acquire or build a housing, he must give so much money as he took. Unfortunately, citizens are not so educated, as for the legislation, and the banks are skillfully using this. Therefore, interest on such loans are charged. However, if a person knows the law, he can achieve his execution.
Pay off the whole loan, without paying interest, it is possible with the help of maternal capital. If the money that is paid in connection with the birth or adoption of the child is enough for repayment of debt, they can be used. At the same time, providing a certificate of capital origin, you have the right not to make additional payments.
Pay interest or payments can be discontinued and independently, but it is illegal. It threatens you by accrualing additional penalties or transferring a case to court. The same applies to when people resort to the help of fraudsters. On the Internet you can find a lot of ads from people who offer to cancel a loan. Of course, this service is not free. In this case, you can pay his remuneration by a fraud, while thinking that you were calculated with debts. But in the bank at this point will increase and debt will increase, and the percentage of themselves.
It happens that the situation arises when you cannot repay the loan or interest on it. And if you have an excellent credit history and there were no incidents, you can talk to the leadership. Debt can freeze for several years, while not changing the amount and interest rate on the loan. But such measures, the Directorate of the Financial Institution will only go for particularly important and proven clients.
If you decide to pay off credit with one payment ahead of schedule, then check the conditions for this operation. Usually, in case of early repayment of the loan, there are percentages, based on how much time it remains to pay. And a person who pays the whole loan, lives and does not suspect that his debts grow and grow. And ultimately, this ignorance may pour out a large amount than he took on credit from the very beginning.
And yet, if you decide on credit, do not trust advertising, where the interest rate says. When decorated, it can be increased to two or more times. This is due to the fact that the bank takes percentage not only for the use of money, but also for other services.