How to pay a loan through the terminal

How to pay a loan through the terminal

24-hour terminals are very convenient for payment for services and holding payments, including loan. However, before you use, it is worth it to keep some of their features.

Even a minor drawing of the loan payment is fraught with fines and pencils. No terminal was insured against the system in the system, while proving your innocence in delay will be extremely difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to progress and make payment through the terminal days 5 before the designated period.

Check the data entered thoroughly, because sometimes the information displayed by the terminal may differ from the one that you enter. Be sure to save the check, in the event of a payment problem, this is the only proof of your rightful.

Reliable terminals of banks and large networks, while the ideal machines do not happen, and therefore, before carrying out a major payment, test the terminal. For the test, make a minor amount of money and pay in accordance with your credit data. Now examine the amount issued in detail. It must necessarily contain the terminal number, information about the owner of the terminal, namely: the name of the company, address, inn and telephone, as well as the credit account number, the amount of payment and commission, the number, date and time of the check. If all the information specified in the check is reliable, you can safely make a payment entirely.

We will certainly note that the terminals are mostly taken by the service commission, that is, not the entire amount imposed in the terminal will go to repay the loan. Therefore, you should make an amount with a margin to overlap and payment on the loan, and the terminal commission, while in mind that the terminals of the delivery are not issued.

Be carefull! There were cases when the amount in the terminal was submitted to its display, the Commission will be 0% and 0 rubles, and after the introduction of major bills, these indicators increased significantly, up to 10% of the amount. Test unfamiliar terminals as described above.

The advantages of the terminal in front of the bank in terms of receiving payments on the loan are obvious: there are no queues, the schedule is not limited to the work schedule, it is possible to find this device in almost every trading point, there is no need to fill the receipts. But this is just one side of the medal. Like any other automated system, the terminal needs constant control by the user.

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