The reputation of the respectable borrower is very important. To maintain it, you need to repay loans taken in your bank. If there is no time for payments or the ability to visit the Bank personally, you can use the network services. How to do it - we will describe in this article.
Connect on your PC Sberbank-online service. To access this service, you will need a password and user ID. You can get them according to the relevant application at the nearest branch of Sberbank of Russia. Also connect the Mobile Bank service, allowing you to change passwords and trace the status of your account.
Next, go to and fill in the entry data to the "Personal Account". Having visited the section "Loans", you will see information about all your loans in Sberbank Russia. Load the page with the required loan and click "Pay". After that, select the map, contribution or current account, which will help to transfer money to repay the payment. Confirm the operation performed.
You can pay for Sberbank's credit using the Yandex Money Electronic Wallet. To do this, go to the "Pay" section and choose "Credits". In the search query row, write the name of the bank. The system will automatically prompt you to fill the form for the output of funds. It indicates the amount and purpose of payment, correspondent accounts, bik and inn of your creditor. At the same time, the payment method will be on the account within 7 days, not counting the weekend.
Cashless translation from the account of another bank is carried out so. We go to the "Internet banking" of your financial organization and after selecting the "Translate Money" section, specify the credit account data. In the "Appointment of payment", I will definitely celebrate "payment of a loan under agreement No.".
Confirm the execution of the operation. With constant use of this service, payment can be performed automatically. For this, account data is associated with each other.
Use the network, save time! Good luck.
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