How to fill out a questionnaire for savings bank

How to fill out a questionnaire for savings bank

Need a loan for the purchase of household appliances, a car or something else? There is a need to contact the bank? First of all, what will have to do in a bank is to fill out a questionnaire. This procedure is recommended to approach with full responsibility. After all, on the basis of this document, the bank will give you a verdict: to give or not to issue a loan.

If you are more convenient to fill in this profile at home, then go to the Sberbank website and download it, print on the printer. Sample fill can be viewed here -

If there is no possibility to download the questionnaire, then in this case the problem is solvable. In any branch of Sberbank, you can go and take the form of the binding questionnaire. Filling this document, write truthful data, without errors and inaccuracies. All that is written will be checked by the Security Service of this Bank. If errors are detected, the Bank will refuse you to credit.

It is advisable to give more information about yourself and fill out all the fields of Sberbank questionnaire. Indicate why you need money that you are going to buy. If the loan amount is large, then it is necessary to make a deposit.

Documents for the right of owner property or values, which are pledged, must be in perfect order. Housing cannot be pledged if it is issued on a relative. In the questionnaire correctly write down your data from the passport. Do not forget to specify the real place of residence and place where they are spelled out.

Give information about your present place of work and a monthly salary, confirming these certificates from your place of work on the average salary. In the document, specify the phone number of your accounting or other working phone. Do not hide the data on parallel loans - it is useless. And at the end, specify the amount you need, and the period necessary to repay it.

If you are completely frankly and correctly fill out, there will be no problems with obtaining a loan. Important: Write a broken handwriting, neat and without errors.





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Ilya 18.11.2015 at 11:07

where you can see the sample filling the "Application form for a loan product" of the borrower and co-borrower?

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