How to pay a loan if there is no bank

How to pay a loan if there is no bank

There are situations when the bank in which you took a loan ceased to exist. This can happen if the bank recalled the license or the larger bank was absorbed, which was bought by the assets of your bank. There is little joyful in this news, since the obligations on your loan do not disappear anywhere, but are transferred to another bank.

Any changes in the credit relationship between you and the Bank must be supported by the relevant documents. You will need to get a written alert from your bank that there have been changes in the details for paying a loan, as well as the necessary contact details for paying a loan. If you did not receive such alerts, but learned about the change of owners of your loan from the operator through which you expect your credit, then you should not pay your credit, based only on information from the operator.

Before visiting a bank that has received the right to your credit, collect all the documents relating to the loan and its payments, make several copies and contact your new bank. Ask you to provide copies of documents confirming the merger, absorption or other action, which proves the fact that your loan has moved into this organization.

Remember that no contract, including confirming the issuance of a loan, cannot be changed unilaterally. Therefore, before paying a loan, check the loan to be repaid, and if you are notified of the changes not to your favor, you can safely write a complaint to any of the controlling authorities: the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Association of Russian Banks and others. Any changes made to the Agreement should be formed by a bilateral additional agreement, where all types of changes will be spelled out.

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In any kind of credit relations, keep all the documents confirming the payments and repayment of the loan, regardless of its limitation period and loan amounts. Only in the presence of confirmation documents can be proved to prove its rightness in any form of the dispute.

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