How to return money debt

How to return money debt

Very often good and gullible people become victims of unfair borrowers. On the one hand, the desire to help comrade (brother, colleague, neighbor), and on the other - the risk of "staying in fools". How to be, if a certain amount you have already lent, do not want to return? What ways is it possible to return the money to the family budget?

There are several popular ways to return money. Some of them are suitable for some cases, others are characteristic of the rest. Whatever it was, you have the right to get your funds back, regardless of who was a borrower - a stranger or a close relative.

Return money on your own. It is an opinion that in any situation can be agreed. If borrowed funds did not return on time, try to bring the borrower to the dialogue, familiarize him with all the difficulties of further paper red tape in the event of a refusal to return the money voluntarily. This method is good because there is no need to turn to third parties and pay for the services of an outsider. But there is a couple of minuses. In this time you risk losing a huge amount of time and nerves. Or the borrower will simply refuse to listen to your arguments and arguments.

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Return money through the court. This method has long been recognized as expensive and unpromising. To resort to it, or rather, you can achieve a positive result only in some cases: if at the time of filing the claim you are ready for a complete package of documents confirming the availability of debt as such; If at the time of handling the court, the borrower has some movable or immovable property, which the court can take under arrest; If the term is suitable for an end, there is a need to prolongate relations between participants.

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Some doomlegers turn into unofficial services that contribute to knocking out money from debtors. But today this method is not very relevant, as the borrower is so in fear of relatives and loved ones. Solve the problem, intimidating it even more, will not succeed.

Appeal to power structures. If you are haunting a debtor for a long time, but they still have not received money, you can apply as a request to discover a criminal case, or just consider the situation. Often, the statement describes the essence of what is happening as fraud. But most often the power structures do not bring any result. The fact of fraud is refuted, and the dealer comes notice with the refusal to open a criminal case.

Special organizations. At the moment, specialized organizations involved in solving such problems operate in each region. Using unconventional methods and accessed techniques, they will easily achieve a positive solution to the situation. But for such services it will be necessary to provide a fixed or uncertain payment. It all depends on the amount of debt, the timing of work and other important factors.

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Delivering money to anyone, do not forget about the receipt, without a supporting document, you will hardly achieve something. It is also worth remembering that 65% of all such situations are solved on mutually beneficial conditions, the method of constructive negotiations without intervening third parties.

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