How to return the loan insurance

How to return the loan insurance

It is no secret that when the bank's client takes the loan, often in the amount of credit affixes the insurance and this borrower may not know. And sometimes employees impose on it. Consequently, the amount of loan repayment is growing. But who wants to overpay ... So many are tormented by the question: "How to return money?"

It is best not to pay them immediately. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, if the credit consumption takes division into vehicles or mortgage, then insurance is necessary. And the other types of loans are not needed. Only with the client's permission (part 2 Article 935 of the Civil Code of Russia).

In practice, bank branches in the failure of insurance do not give a loan. In this case, it is necessary to remind Article 16 of the Legislation "On Consumer Rights Protection", as it is illegal.

If you agreed to insurance, then in the case of early payment or termination of the loan, you should give back the balance of the monetary amount for insurance. Why it is recommended to go to the insurance agency and terminate the document. Employees of the company will tell you how much you get.

This is possible if you have been prescribed such an outcome of events in the insurance certificate while signing this treaty. In the insurance agency you need to take with you a passport, insurance, documents confirming the termination or payment of lending, photocopy of the entire set of papers. Money will be offered to list either on a card account, or give cash through time.

Time to return insurance should not exceed 31 days. Recalculation makes from a new month. For example, the client turned the 13th. The accountant will consider from the 1st day of the next month, the remaining 17 days will not pay.

Some borrowers agree to insurance, since in case of injury, severe disease, the inability to work or death a loan will pay the insurance agency.

In compliance with citizens of all procedures, insurance on the loan will be able to return easily. And if you do not want to pay it at all (with consumer loans for a small amount), then you have the full right to reject the Bank for Insurance.








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