If you set out the goal to take a car on credit without a down payment, then immediately warn you that this loan cannot be called profitable. Although it is not the most profitable option, but in some cases it can become the only way out that allows you to get the desired car. The reason for the adoption of such a solution is quite simple: you tritely can not have enough money for the initial contribution. But it is not necessary to despair: we will understand how it is advantageous to purchase a car without the initial contribution.
Stages of the car loan without the initial contribution
You can get a car without a first installment in just 4 stages, but before it is worth allocating the moment that many people are missing or just ignore. We are talking about the analysis of your monthly income, or if you say more accurately - about counting all your income and expenses (take into account not only yourself, but also the other family members). Calculating income and expenses, you can understand whether you will pay a monthly minimum payment. If income is enough, then go further.
Now the question arises, in which banking organization to contact, and this, where the conditions will be as profitable as possible. Here you will need to find the websites of banks, consider their credit proposals and place an application for car loan. Your assistant in this is the search engines such as Yandex or Google. Pay special attention to the requirements for the borrower, credit conditions and repayment of the loan.
It is worth noting that not all banks provide such credit products (for example, in Sberbank will not be able to receive such a loan). And those banks that give out car loans without the initial contribution establish a high percentage (here you can take a home loan for an example). When taking a loan, try to get rid of voluntary expenses by the type of insurance of the car owner, etc.
If you applied, now you have to wait for her approval. Get all the necessary information documents will usually be on the organization's website. We will clarify: read the car loan agreement will not be given at home, so it is necessary to read and understand everything in place. We also note that the presence of a driver's license and a lot of driving experience are positive factors.
Next you need to go to the car dealership and choose the car you like. Banks provide enough time to find the best deals in terms of price and quality ratio. When choosing a car, your bank will send money to the car dealer, but it is not necessary to relax: you are interested in all the moments of registration, because unscrupulous car dealerships can be cracked, incorrect information may be presented on the bank's website, etc.
Is it necessary to pay on the loan if the car was broken or grieved
Yes, even in such unpleasant situations, you will have to pay on the loan, because the obligation to the bank is preserved, and the contract remains valid. Summing up, we note that the information is power, so do not hesitate to ask questions and get clear answers on them. Carefully prepare and do not take spontaneous solutions that can subsequently be negatively affected by the weight of your wallet.