How to take a car in leasing

How to take a car in leasing

When there is a need to buy a car, the first question that is worried about the buyer is a way to purchase transport. Well, when there is a necessary amount available, and those who have no opportunity to buy a car for cash, resort to the help of financial organizations. Most often, a loan is drawn up for the purchase, but there is also a concept as "autolyzing". This topic is a bit confusing, and most do not even try to figure it out when buying a car. Even despite the fact that sometimes leasing conditions are much cheaper than the loan.

There is a "operational leasing" concept, simple words is the usual rental of the car. Financial leasing implies a car rental with further redemption. Initially, transport belongs to a leasing company. According to the Agreement, she acquires it for himself under the order of the Client and transmits him to use. Buying this way, there are several advantages: the first is less than the amount of the first contribution compared to loans; The second - all the volumes with documents are imposed on the shoulders of the leasing company (the buyer only executes the contract and collects the minimum package of documents); The third one - if the buyer wants to acquire a new car in the same way (when the end of the first leasing), then the company will undergo the cost of the previous car when buying a new one.

If it was decided to buy a car into lease, it is worth collecting a package of documents. It is almost the same in all companies. The first is a statement on the leasing of the established sample. A copy of the passport and the indication number with the originals is also provided. Sometimes a certificate is required about income.

If the car is purchased as a work vehicle, then for legal entities, other documents are needed. Application for leasing, registration documents and all constituent documents, as well as extracts from registers about business activities. We still need to provide copies of passports of individuals who have the right to sign up, as well as the chief accountant and the Director General.

When drawing up the contract, you need to be very attentive, as there are some nuances. If, for example, the drawing of the payment is possible to return the car of the leasing company, while the buyer does not reimburse any compensation. In cases of accidents, the amount of monthly payment may increase. And the main point is that after the expiration of the client has the right to purchase this car at the residual value, however, the leasing company has the right to refuse the purchase and sale agreement and resell or lease the car to another buyer. So that this does not happen, it is recommended instead of the lease agreement to conclude a sales contract that will be valid after making the latest payment. In this case, according to the documents, paying the residual value, the buyer becomes a full owner of the car.

Before you take a car into lease, it is recommended to consult with specialists to avoid unpleasant moments. If there is no such possibility - you need to study all documents and contracts in detail before signing them.

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