How to rent a car

How to rent a car

Car rental charge for different reasons - you need a roomy transport or own repairs. For registration to the car rental company should bring a passport, driving license, a copy of the identification code, the pledge. All nuances are given in the contract between the tenant and the company.

Please autocompany and let their desire to rent a car in advance. Otherwise, the right vehicle can carry more agile customer. Autocompanies make a bonus of up to 50% if the order is issued for six months. Also reduced prices up to 30% for regular customers, who often rent cars.

Prices for services are dependent on the car class. The most expensive cars are considered to be representative or sports. The deposit amount in the latter case will also be larger. For any damage to items the tenant is financially responsible. Money to repair the company takes from the deposit or put up an additional account after the return of the car.

The car should be returned within the period specified in the contract. Late arrivals 2:00 lessee may demand payment for the following day. Therefore it is necessary beforehand to warn the company about the delays. If the tenant finds its objective, it will not be billed.

5 The owners are keen to machine managed by an experienced driver. Therefore, they do not give cars to people under the age of 21 years, and their driving experience to be more than two years for expensive cars - more than five.

At the signing of the contract come sober and properly dressed. A person who has symptoms of alcohol abuse or increased excitability, refuse to rent. The car can only manage the one who signed the contract. Transfer control by proxy is prohibited.

Secure the amount of fuel in the tank in the preparation of cars. Before returning should fill the car up to the same level. Note that is not profitable to pay extra for the missing fuel the company - the cost per liter is more.

Before signing the contract, make sure that the rental conditions are clear to the smallest detail. Especially learn the small text - there may be a hanging. For large rates, compare the costs with the payment of taxi services. Perhaps it will be the best option.

Comments leave a comment
Yana 01/12/2015 at 11:56.

We at the wedding rented a tuple. The procedure is completely simple.

To answer
Anna 02/12/2015 at 10:36.

It depends on what company you turned.

To answer

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