How to attach cars vinyl

How to attach cars vinyl

Sometimes a motorist on a simple car really wants to stand out from the crowd riding a number of cars. And then he decides to completely change the appearance of his car. Repaint the car - the pleasure is expensive, but it is quite affordable, if the motorist is also "sleeves".

The car can be saved with a vinyl film completely, and you can only some of its elements. It depends on the preferences of the motorist and the intended future image of the machine.

In order to wake a film with a film, it is necessary to prepare the following tools: the water pulvezer, the stationery knife, spatula rubber or soft plastic, hairdryer. Well, of course, the vinyl film, which can be bought in specialized stores selling everything necessary for auto-tuning. Work should be carried out in a closed room, where good dust security is ensured. Also, the room must be warm and very light, so that the working "field" is clearly visible.


The surface you will shook should be carefully flushed, dry and degrease. From above to the past part, you need to put a piece of film in size slightly larger than the surface of the surface. Next, the necessary fragment, repeating the circuit, for example, the hood, is neatly cut from the film by the stationery knife.

Blowing new

The carved piece shifts on the horizontal surface face down and the paper substrate is removed from the inside. The film liberated from paper must be moistened with ordinary water from the pulvelizer, and then gently put it on that part of the car that was gathered. The film is put on the wet side down. At this stage, it can still be moved to the side so that it is accurately laying on the detail. It happens the film and without a substrate, then it simply stacked on the surface of the machine and is adjusted for a specific detail at the place.


After you were convinced that the vinyl lies along the contour of the circumferential part, the film must begin to smooth out the rubber spatula. Smoothing should be carried out from the center to the edges, while watching the air and water droplets under the film. When the film was completely glued to the machine part, it should be warmly warm with a hair dryer. Warm air is a little softening vinyl and helps him make it more reliably clung to the surface.

Before falling the machine with a film, all overhead elements, like the handles and moldings, must be dismantled. In places of arrangement of the handles when the film is saved on it it is worth making an incision with the help of a sharp stationery knife. In all the ends that are available in a particular detail, the film needs to be carefully wrapped inside, try to try well and warm the hair dryer.


In addition to the wings, the hood and roofs, the film can be saved and the handles of the car, and the bumper, and the mirrors. With the help of the film, it turns out to make a completely individual car, if I really want to stand out.


Independent pasting machine Vinyl film - quite a real thing, if you have a good taste, an exact eye and confident hand.

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