How to glue a carbon film

How to glue a carbon film

Lovers of automotive racing, especially prestigious Formula 1, probably know that many of the elements of the barges are stamped from carbon (carbon fiber). It is a very durable and lightweight material that is manufactured by weaving carbon filaments, and then impregnate them with special resins. Having been engaged in His friend's highlight, some motorists ordered any elements from carbon: hood, roof, bumper. But the real carbon is a very expensive material, so many car owners tunify carbon film carbon (imitation of this carbon).

All cars under carbon looks uninteresting and very naryapisto, but if you can only save some elements, you can achieve a stunning effect.

To work with the carbon film, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Film desired color;
  • White Spirit;
  • Water sprayer;
  • Soap solution;
  • Dry clean napkin;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Hair dryer;
  • Scotch larger;
  • Raquel Felt and Plastic - Special tool for working with self-adhesive vinyl films.

Cut the part from the film, repeating the contours of the car's pasted part. Be sure to retain the battery size of 2-3 cm.


Before pasting carboxylic film, the machine is wellhedto the White Spirit and soda to the gloss with a dry napkin. The shape cut out from the film, repeating the contours, such as a car mirror, attach to the purified surface and secure in one place with painting scotch.

Malar Scotch-Suck

Then remove the substrate from the film to the adhesive side opened. Apply a soap solution from the splashable part surface. Next, very carefully, starting from the place where it is closed with scotch, apply carbon film to the wet surface. Constantly stroke the film by plastic rocket, and when it sticks everything, then you can also go and felt.

At the end of the work, the glued film warm the hot air from the construction dryer and once again, ignite the felt rockets.

Sophisticated places of the circumferential parts (bends, deepening, roundness) are saving, constantly directing the flux of hot air and smoothing first plastic, and then the felt rocket.

After the desired detail is completely saved, the remaining films of the film cut the sharp stationery knife. It is not necessary to use the machine for a day - it should stand in a dry, clean and warm (18-22 ° C) garage. During this time, carbon film reliably closes with the surface.

With the film, imitating carbon, you can update any household appliances and even a mobile phone. It will look for it very stylish and original, but the main thing is to approach it creatively. Best of all carbon items look, if there are few of them. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the carbon film: it should or completely coincide in the color with the main tone of the car or being color that is well harmonized with the car body.

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