Nowadays, not to be deceived and not buy a "cat in a bag", you need to own reliable information about the product. Buyers tend to believe what is written on the package and do not think about the degree of reliability of such information. This article will help a simple town center to obtain maximum product data.
What is a barcode code
Each product is officially registered and receives a special number. Each met on the packaging vertical black and white lines, under which a number of numbers are located. These incomprehensible stripes and numbers are called a barcode product code.
Two, and sometimes the first three numbers indicate the country where the goods were made. The following four or five digits are the code assigned to the manufacturer at the regional level. Next comes the product code that consists of five digits. The manufacturer encodes the product data in these figures: Weight, color, size, etc. The last digit in the code is control, it is designed to read the barcode of the scanner. It should be noted that the bar code carries not only the information load, it is also used to control and accounting the goods and management of the process of turnover.
How to get information about the bar code
The first thing you can learn in the bar code without any complex manipulation is a product-producer of goods. You need to pay attention to the first three digits of the code.
You can check the authenticity of the barcode of the checksum. You can do this with simple arithmetic computing or on the Internet.
How to find out the goods on the barcode using the Internet
At the moment there are many sites where you can verify authenticity barcode. It is enough to make a code code in the field and click on the button. If a message with the result of a green check - a bar code is real, if the red is a fake product. This useful functions of the digital product code are not limited. Some sites with the help of barcode provide information not only about its authenticity, but also about the manufacturer, and about the product.
Moreover, in public domain, there are special mobile applications with which you can perform authentication right in the store.
Check the barcode of the product code can be useful, and in some cases it is simply necessary. Digital code carries information about the country where the goods were manufactured. You can also check whether there is a manufacturer's firm claimed on the package, and whether the goods are registered officially. Using simple manipulations, you will receive information that will help choose a really high-quality product.
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