How to get a bar code

How to get a bar code

The barcode was patented in the United States in 1949. It is intended for product labeling. It is used both for warehouse accounting and to recognize goods at the checkout.

At the moment you can get a barcode by contacting Eancode.

For registration, go to the official website companies. Click the "Get Barcode" tab and download an appointment application form. It must be filled and sent in electronic form. Focus on sample fill.

Prepare a list of products to be labeled. Download the fill form. For convenience, all goods are divided into groups: edible, industrial, pharmaceutical, sewing and stationery. To speed up the verification procedure and to avoid errors, the copy of the completed documents can be sent in electronic form.

After the EANCODE organization receives an application and a list of products in electronic form, an account will be sent to your email address to pay for services. It is 15,000 rubles. Since the receipt of funds for the current account, you get bar codes according to the product list within one day.

Your company will be assigned a unique registration code. Then you will receive unique rooms for each of the products in the sent list. You can see them and manage your list in your account online.

You can proceed to the design of the barcode design. International rules allow the use of green, blue, brown and black colors. The background can be white or red. For printing labels, use a laser printer or place an order in the printing house. Be sure to check whether the barcode reader recognizes.

Most of the outlets use a special reading device when selling goods. In modern market conditions, getting a barcode is a prerequisite for the exit of the goods to the market.

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