How to check excise brand

How to check excise brand

The excise brand of goods suggests that this product was checking GOST and fully corresponds to the stated quality. Marks have different types of protection, to create special technologies, materials.

To fake all the degrees of protection is quite difficult and expensive from the point of view of finance, so those who are engaged in underground production are more often reproducing certain levels of protection. So if there is no defense sign or does not comply with the standard - this indicates a fake.


In major sales points, sales should have a special scanner that helps detect excise marks. To take advantage of such a service, you should contact the administrator with a request to provide an opportunity to check products. If the scanner confirmed the inconsistency - the excise brand is fake; If the differences are not detected - this, unfortunately, is not a 100% guarantee of authenticity.

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If the scanner showed that the brand is genuine, but you do not leave doubts, you can contact " Center for judicial expertise»For criminalistic examination.

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If you check the brand yourself, without a scanner, you are faced with the task of finding the differences between this and genuine brand. Checked for compliance type of brand, its details. It is important to understand that the accuracy of visual inspection is the higher than the fresh brand. With long-term storage, it is abrasion, the influence of moisture. It is important that brand is glued on which material. In any case, suspicions can cause:

  • uneven, edge curves;
  • quickly outgoing paint when wiping a nail.


Detailed instructions for checking excise grades on alcohol developed Federal Service for Regulating the Alcohol Market. The color of excise grades depends on the type of products and can vary from pink-lilac to green-yellow-yellow. Paper for stamps is used self-adhesive, without luminescence. Protective fibers are two species: red not luminescent and yellow-red, luminescent.

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On the opposite side of the brown paint printed "RF" and there is a luminescent inscription "Alcohol products". When processing paper, the "C-2" indicator will appear yellow staining.

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At the top of the brand there is a microtext. The word "brand" is written in the negative, and "FSM" - in positive.

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The hologram is a complex pattern, in the center of which in the Rhombach is the inscription "RF".

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The inscription "Federal Special Mark" gradually passes from negative in a positive appearance (for this is used a special raster).

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At the bottom of the brand there is an inscription "RF", the color of which varies from dark bronze to violet. Other protection methods are provided. On the site FS for regulation Alkorovka You can check the authenticity of the online brand.

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Separate excise stamps are manufactured for tobacco products. Detailed requirements for excise imports of imported goods in the Russian Federation You can see here. There are 11 types of excise stamps ("Tobacco smoking", "Tobacco for hookah", "Cigars", "filter cigarettes", etc.) such basic characteristics of brands can be distinguished:

  • the color of the brand is an iris transition from blue to lilac, 44x20 mm;
  • there are 2 blue squares, which, with UV radiation, luminescent;
  • red protective fibers without luminescence, and yellow-red fibers have luminescence (yellow part) under the action of UV;
  • the emblem of the Russian Federation should be printed on the left, the repeated phrase "Russia import" is written around it;
  • over the coat of arms, "Russia" is written, and in the center - "excise stamp" (a tobacco leaf is drawn above it, a type of tobacco product is indicated);
  • all inscriptions, coat of arms and drawing are printed in black paint;
  • in the middle across, the "Tobacco" (negative execution) is written;
  • on the right, the letter (A, B, C, D) and 2 numbers should be printed on the right: the letter indicates the quarter, and the numbers are 2 last numbers of the year, when a brand was produced;
  • on the right on the black strip is marked series.

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As for the brands of goods produced in the territory of the Russian Federation, they have a size of 47x21 mm. On the brand there must be inscriptions "tobacco products", "Russian Federation", "Special Mark". Used paper with a monophonic light watermark (under ultraviolet luminescence is not observed). The paper includes protective fibers (minimum 2 types). Used optically variable paint.

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If you have suspicions about the authenticity of the excise stamp, it is better not to acquire this product. Take care of your health, protect yourself from fakes, paying attention to at least the most memorable signs and notation.

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sergey 01/09/2015 at 15:03

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