How to check the trademark

How to check the trademark

All new is well forgotten old, and in the case of trademarks, it is not at all forgotten sometimes. Often it happens that a unique, it would seem, a trademark created by an entrepreneur or a group of specialists, it turns out to be used by another company. To avoid refusal from government registry registrations, first of all, check the uniqueness of your creation.

Check the trademark follows before applying for registration. This procedure will determine if it is not in the registration databases such as your sign, as a patented or waiting patent.

If it happened so that the identical trademark already exists and registered, then you will be denied registration. Keep in mind if you unauthorizedly used a similar registered sign in your business, then on legal grounds you can be responsible. You may be obliged to compensate the losses "Pioneer" for the illegal use of a trademark.

However, you are entitled to conduct preliminary "exploration" by submitting the necessary request to the state authority. By paying the established cost of this service, you check the uniqueness of your trademark. Usually this procedure leaves one to two weeks.

After the verification, you will be issued a report on this trademark. At the same time, if such a sign already exists in the database, and is also used in your company's documentation, it may be canceled by a legal way for an additional fee.

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Be vigilant, a huge number of firms with a dubious reputation are ready to offer their services for checking your trademark and in a shorter time. However, it should be remembered that their databases are significantly inferior to state-owned information.

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Irina 05/31/2016 at 18:11

And through the Patent Office recorded a trademark and they themselves checked if there is a similar in the registry. Applying to Krivtsov and partners, we can recommend them.

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