How to make a patent

How to make a patent

A patent is a document that testifies to the authorship on any invented thing. First of all, you need to decide on the status of an object of intellectual property. This may be the invention - a new technical solution of the problem in any area. Or an industrial sample is an artistic and structural solution that determines the appearance of the product (it must be new and original). You can also patent an industrial model - this can be any device or a small invention, the creative level of which is not very high.

If it was decided to patent anything, you need to study the laws and acts regarding the procedure for issuing patents, or seek help to specialists, but this will require additional costs. In cases where they decided to act independently, you need to make sure that the thing that was invented, refers to the categories that are allowed to patent. It is also necessary to make sure that this invention is new, as it often finds out that before that time someone has already invented such and patented.

Mandatory condition is the name of the invented thing, since it is specified when submitting documents. It is necessary in the relevant authorities to leave an application to which the application and a detailed description of the invention is attached, its drawings and formulas (if any) and the abstract. If there is already a similar, patented by someone else, it is necessary to describe the difference in order to prove that this is precisely your own invention.

After submitting to the appropriate organs, you need to wait some time as long as the invention will pass 2 examinations. The first is the formal, the second is the "Novelty" check, the "inventive level", "industrial applicability" is the three main criteria for which the invention should be characterized. This procedure takes from 6 to 12 months.


After approval, the fee is paid for the registration and issuance of a patent. Next, a document on the registration of patent law is issued. It should be remembered that the rights to the invented thing belong to for 20 years, for a utility model - 10, on the industrial sample - 15 years.

Obtaining a patent is a long procedure, but after its design, all rights to use the invention will belong to the inventor for a long time.

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