How to make a labor book

How to make a labor book

If you are comfortable for the first time, the labor book you should do in an enterprise or company. It is understood that it is the first employer who is obliged to write this necessary document.

Previously, the forms of labor books have always been available in personnel departments (OK) in all organizations and enterprises. Today the practice has entered the fashion when the young specialist should bring a clean book blank, i.e. He is obliged to buy him independently. For sale forms in all stationery stores or in books, where there are departments selling accounting forms. Very rare, but there are cases that the form of workbook new employee is offered to buy directly in approx. Then the fact of purchase is drawn up by the cashier check or a certain amount calculated from the first wage.

The acquired labor book is fill in the personnel department of the employer. Recording about work is made on the basis of an order of employment. The book is written:

  • from what date a person is hired;
  • the name of his position;
  • the name of the department where work will be held;
  • the number and number of the order of enrollment.

Before completing information about the work, a personnel specialist is obliged to fill the first page of the book and give it to a signature with a young specialist. The general information about the employee should be indicated here:

  • His date of birth.
  • Education information - which educational institution graduated from a young specialist.
  • Specialty assigned after graduation.

After this data, the number is placed when the employment record is filled, as well as the position and surname of the face filling a book (OK employee).

If you did not offer to familiarize yourself with the head of the workbook on the first day of work, you have the full right to remind about it in the personnel department. Sometimes OK workers respond that the book will lead later - they are roughly violating the legislation. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the document regulating the rules for conducting labor books in Russia. This is the Resolution of Mitrud and the Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of instructions for filling in labor books."

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