How to fix an error in the work book

How to fix an error in the work book

With a legal device for any company or enterprise, a work book is required. The organization’s manager must submit to the work entry, where you were hired, when and by whom. There is a regulation on how to fill out a book correctly. There should be no corrections there, because according to this document in the future, the PF will issue a person a pension. But you can correct errors, only it is recommended to do this competently.

When filling out the first sheet of the work book, a blossom is unacceptable. If the specialist, accepting the employee to the service, made an inventory, then at the expense of the company you will have to buy a new book and rewrite all the data on the title sheet. The old book is destroyed and written off.

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Any letter written incorrectly is considered an error. Therefore, when the employer fills out the labor, he must carefully rewrite the name And all the information from the passport, for example, is the name Daniel or Danil, Natalia or Natalia, Sofia or Sophia. This is quite a little inaccuracy, it can greatly spoil the nerve book to the owner, because it will have to prove the ownership of the work book in the judicial institution.

Corrections in the work book

The inattention of a specialist is the cause of errors when writing dates or the name of the company. In this case, in no way, do not cross out the record. Correction must be done in stages. First, the leader issues a written order. This act is certified by the signatures of the boss and the worker, put the seal.

The order enters the personnel department. There, the employee and changes the inaccurate recording for the correct one. Details about how to correct the wrong text, see here.

Labor books

A specialist OK should know that dates are written only by Arabic numerals, two-digit numbers, and a year-4-digit number. The color of the ampulus is allowed: black, blue, purple. There should not be any abbreviated words - this is a mistake.

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Labor books - errors

If the worker leaves the organization, the personnel officer is obliged to check all the notes. In the future, if errors are found in labor, a specialist of the personnel department will have to answer. And yet, earlier errors in the book were corrected only at the place of work, at present they can be corrected in last place.

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