Work occupies a huge place in the life of almost every person. After all, work is not only a means of receiving money, but also the way to express yourself, bring something to this world. This is the place where we communicate with people, find friends, spend the lion's part of your time. Of course, at work I want to always keep a harmonious climate. But what to do if the employer is configured to you sharply negatively? Write a statement to the employment inspection.
State labor inspectorate - This is an organization designed to protect the rights of workers. Her representative officesyou can find in any city, for each labor inspector, a plot is fixed. First, find out what your company is enshrined. Make a complaint. About how it is better to write a statement to the employment inspection, consult the inspector. He will explain how to put it more correctly to your problem. Clearly formulate your claims, it is advisable to refer to the legislative acts and articles of the law for which your rights have been infringed. Together with the statement, apply, if any, documents that can confirm the validity of your claims.Application form in the labor inspection You can download on our site.
Sample of the completed statement in the labor inspection Swing here.
The application to the labor inspection requires personal data, however, you can agree with the inspector on the non-disclosure to your authorities about the applicant. Protect your rights is the norm. If you are confident that it will not be possible to solve the question in peaceful way, take advantage of your right to help state.
My spouse worked at the individual entrepreneur on the pailoram of the prone school in the Zaletssky district of G Novosibirsk. Work workers and live first without employment secondly in the terrible conditions in the third, the minimum that promises the employer Nikolenko Irina Aleksandrovna my husband of Kochetov Alexander Viktorovich for a month can't get. After all, we live in the legal state where there is no free slave labor.