How to write an application for vacation at your own expense

How to write an application for vacation at your own expense

At times, the situation occurs when a person needs a day, and maybe a week of vacation. Causes There are various: family circumstances, a relative illness, not to leave a child, marriage registration, etc. If the next vacation in the current situation is not allowed, then you have the right to make a post office at your own expense. It is about how to make it, we will talk on.

How to make an application

In order for the head of the Organization to approve your application, firstly, it is necessary to have a good reason. For this and exists TK of the Russian Federation, in which it is written, in what cases and how many days should be on solving problems that have arisen with different categories of workers. Secondly, writing the petition is permitted both by hand and in print. Colored handles for the document are not welcome, use a blue or black ampoule. Do not make mistakes, otherwise you have to rewrite everything again.

We can download and see on the portal, how samples look like:

Where to start registration of the application

Start drawing up for free holidays from the header. On the right, write the position of what to contact, the full name of the company (on the first line), surname, initials of the company's dominant person (on the second line). Then his position and name - on the following two lines. If necessary, specify the table number or the name of the department. All this should fit on 4-5 line of form.

Main part

After the introductory part, step up one or two rows and in the middle to output the word: "statement". From paragraph, start writing the family itself, specify, for what period you take a vacation without a detention: how many days and with what kind of number. Be sure to write the reason you cannot be in the workplace. At the bottom of the form, put the date of design and your signature. If you do not freeze the application, it is considered invalid. The signature must be exactly yours or anyone.

Who give a blank

The compiled statement should be attributed to the personnel officer or the employer itself. He in turn illustrates your petition and arrange an order, on the basis of which you will provide a vacation. However, if at work "hot time" and you can not replace you, then the leader may not approve your request. You need to know when the manager is not entitled to refuse. For this, there are a number of grounds:

  • wedding;
  • birth kid;
  • session;
  • the death of a close relative.

To confirm the truth of the above reasons, you need to provide a confirmation document. I also know that the period you will rest in extraordinary leave, you will not pay, in addition, he will not enter the overall insurance experience in the accrual of pension.

After reading this article, you can accurately make a petition for free holidays. Moreover, you now know, for what reasons the director of your company is not entitled to refuse to provide holidays without detention.

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