Sample Application for Annual Paid Vacation

Sample Application for Annual Paid Vacation

If you work for the first year in the enterprise and do not know how to make a correct application for an annual paid vacation, then the information in the article is written for you. It is on this document that the main person of the company will publish an order, after which you will be sent to rest and summarize the expected holidays. And now let's talk about the main thing, which requirements are presented to this post, and how it is formulated.

Preparation of the application

Prepare a request must be the employee himself. According to labor legislation The first vacation is put to employees in six months of the date of adoption on the company. However, at most firms there are holiday schedules, which are compiled by an official and take into account all the wishes of those working. Therefore, sometimes the date of care for the rest can be shifted for a month, and even more. Only certain categories of persons by agreement of the leadership can give a vacation earlier than the law.

Article 1222

Writing Caps Caps Application

The form of petition for vacation is not established by law, so it is written arbitrarily, but the following sequence is observed. On a pure sheet in the upper right corner, mark the position of a specialist who is engaged in the design of the documentation of this species in the duties and the name of the company. Below on the second line, specify its name, name, patronymic. On the third - what vacancy you take, on the fourth - your passport details. You can write an application personally, only a broken handwriting, or print on the printer and fill in the template.

Here you can watch samples:

Main part of the statement

After the header from the new line, you write the word "statement" about the insertion. The body of the petition contains the following text: "I ask me to provide me with another paid vacation with (write a holiday start date) software (end date) on (laid quantity) days." At the bottom of the document, put today and personal signature.

Another vacation - sample


For true registration of this act, three more securities will be required:

  • previously compiled vacation schedule;
  • order order;
  • possed in the accounting department for vacation calculation.

All this documentation will be issued at the company's director when he freeses your application. It is clear that for this you will need to visit his office office, after which you will go to the accounting department in order for the specialist to give holidays. Make vacation required in advance. Each company has its own rules. On some firms, it is necessary to register the petition for two weeks earlier. Therefore, you need to ask the colleagues in advance when writing paper.

Vacation pay

Everyone who goes to the annual vacation is entitled to receive compensation. It has it, depending on your earnings, experience. Know that you must pay it for three days before the start of the long-awaited holiday. If you have not received money at the specified time, then this is a violation labor legislation.

Having learned almost all the subtleties of writing and registering a petition application, you now, without any problems, be able to go paid for vacation and take a break from routine work.

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