Sample Blanca for dismissal at your own request

Sample Blanca for dismissal at your own request

Filled with an employee a blank application for dismissal of his own behalf is the act that contains this employee to termination of employment contract With your employer. In this case, it initiates the termination of the contract itself, the head only fixes the process. However, with such a procedure, the established rules still need to be observed. Let's consider in detail how to make an application for all requirements, and will discuss other streaming issues related to the calculation.

What should be the petition

The blank is allowed to print on a computer, a printing machine or write a personally blue (black) ampoule. Most often, the first person of the company requires to write an application from hand or on a computer, only at the bottom must be a signature of writing. Otherwise, the director of the company will not be able to prove that this paper is not his hand. And he will have to pay a certain amount of the employee for the walk.

How to make a statement right

Sample for applications The dismissal is standard for all, there is only a difference due to the termination of an employment agreement:

  1. To the right at the top, specify the post of employer, his passport details (in the donor: surname, name, patronymic).
  2. In the next row of the header, mark the name of your position in the workplace.
  3. Below write your data: FULL NAME and TABLE NUMBER.
  4. From the new line, place the word: "statement".
  5. In the text of the form you write your request for dismissal, write down the reason, specify the date you wish to pay. Please note that you can offer two weeks in the personnel department to find a replacement for your vacancy for this period.
  6. At the bottom of the request, place your own signature at the bottom of the application.


Samples of blank

The worker has the right to submit an application for dismissal:

  • being on vacation;
  • during hospital;
  • at work;
  • and even during a business trip.

An employee, if necessary, may not work out the upcoming half months if he has a weighty cause. Specialist of the personnel department, in this case, must be provided with documentation confirming such a pretext.

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Who gives the application

It all depends on the organization of the structure in this company. On some firms, employers are engaged in dismissal, and enough for them to put their signature, printing institutions, after which (for the next) day - you are free. And in other companies, whole offices are engaged in the process, you will need to bypass the many cabinets and receive signatures of a number of specialists.


If you have thought to settle, then pride the following nuances:

  • when calculating the employee are obliged to pay all cash payments prescribed in the work agreement;
  • the employer has the right to demand a debt to the enterprise from the employee, if the employee is in stock.

You can easily draw up a blank application for dismissal yourself after studying the instructions. Now you really made sure that it is not difficult to do this. Just before paying out, think well - did you hurry with the solution.

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