Dismissal at your own request - order

Dismissal at your own request - order

The dismissal of his own will is the most common way to break the employment contract between the enterprise (employer) and the employee. The initiative comes from the employee, and the consent of the leadership is not required. Some rules still need to observe. Dismissal implies a statement on the one hand, the order for dismissal on the other.

Most often, the order is written in the form of №U-8 (dismissed one) and q. rESOLUTION of 05.01.04 No. 1). Prepares the order of personnel service employee in 2 copies - the personnel department and accounting department. Considers its signature and seal head of the institution. Fired to be familiar with the order, he will silent on it. The form of the order on the computer is filled out, an entry from hand is allowed.

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Start the text of the order from the legal name of the organization, its OKPO code. It can be found on the site oKPO.ru. By the name of the company, address, TIN, the names of the head. You can get this information on the system. EGRULA.SOM free help in searching can site skrin.ru.. OKUD code has already been inscribed in the shape cell. After the word "order" (written in capital letters), the document header, number, date of publication. The order number contains letters and numbers. For example, 57-CL.

1 point

In the next paragraph, "discontinue the employment contract from" to indicate the employment contract number (TD) with an employee and the date of its signing. If the contract was not officially concluded, then cross this string. The date of the last working day in this organization will write down after the word "dismiss."

2 point

In the next part of the order, write the name of the dismissed (in the parental case), its table number (if available), the name of the structural unit, the department where he worked, occupied by the position.

4 point

The section "The basis of the termination (termination) of TD (dismissal)" must be completed correctly, indicating the draft TK of the Russian Federation on termination of TD. Then after the word "base", write down the name of the document that served as the basis of the publication of this order. In this embodiment, this is a personal statement. Make a date record, registration numbers.

Paragraph 4.

The Row of the "Head of the Organization" contains signatures with the decoding of the head and the dismissed employee, who is described in the fact that it is familiar with the content of this order about the dismissal. The final point of the order "The motivated opinion of the electoral trade union body in writing" contains the opinion of the electoral trade union committee. The number and date is recorded here. Fill the string only if there is a trade union in the organization. Prepared Order Apply to the signature.

Paragraph 5.

Based on the order, follow in the personal card (F. T-2), the employee's employment record of the corresponding records. "Vote-calculation when termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)" Make in the form of T-61. Pass it from a copy of the order to the accounting department. It will produce a final calculation in the last spent day. In a statement, an employee may ask to give him a vacation with the subsequent dismissal (fill in. T-6). Date of dismissal in the order, in the employment record is the date of graduation, even if it falls on a festive or day off.

Useful documents can be downloaded:

If the fired - the face is financially responsible, then the order is relying about the absence of claims in the material plan. This may be a resolution on the statement, according to the results of the inventory, a certificate is drawn up, a receipt of a member of the brigade, etc.

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