Order of dismissal - sample

Order of dismissal - sample

The layout of the dismissal is issued when labor relations cease between the employer and the employee. The basis for the preparation of this order is the application of a dismissal officer (agreement of the parties, his own desire, reducing state, etc.) or other document.

Order of dismissal should be according to current legislation. Decree of the State Statistics Committee (№1, 05.01.04) approved the form T-8 (if we are talking about the dismissal of one employee) and the T-8A form (if several people are fired). At the very top of the order, specify the name of the organization, OKPO code. Then the document number is affixed, the date of its compilation is indicated. The center is written in the center (order), his title: "On the termination of the employment contract ...".


In the form of T-8, it is necessary in the order itself in the order itself, the date of the employment contract, on the basis of which the worker entered the staff of the organization, the date of dismissal. A little lower indicates the name of the dismissed, the tablet number, the name of the structural unit, where the employee worked, a position (profession, specialty), a discharge, class, category.


In the column "The basis of termination of the contract" the article of the TC is firing, according to which dismissal occurs, and in brackets is indicated in words (for example, at their own request). Next, you must specify a document speaking to the basis for dismissal. This includes a medical conclusion, the statement of the employee itself, the service note (if dismissal is due to the disorder of the discipline). Also indicated the number, date of this document.

3_Ancing termination

Below is the signature of the company's head, his position, surname, initials should be written. An employee who is fired must also leave his signature, this is done opposite the inscription "Introduced with the order." In addition, the date is placed when the person was familiar with the document. If there is a trade union body, its opinions and date is set.

4_Form T8.

If several employees are fired (this is the form of T-8A), at the top of the document fits the name of the enterprise, the OKPO code, the name of the document, its heading, the document number, the date of its preparation. The order itself is made in the form of a table, information about each employee fit into a separate line. Information from left to right is made in this order:

  • personnel Number;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • position (discharge, category, class);
  • number, date of conclusion of the contract;
  • date of dismissal;
  • article Tk of the Russian Federation (actually the basis for termination of labor relations);
  • document-foundation for dismissal (its number, date);
  • review date with this order, signature.


Below the table is indicated by the position of the head, its signature is set with decoding, as well as the number of trade union opinion, the date of its compilation. We can download:

6_ o form T8A

The layout of the dismissal acts as a basis for the work of the record in the personal map, the employee's employment record. After its signing, a full calculation is made with a former employee.

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