Sample vacation application with subsequent dismissal

Sample vacation application with subsequent dismissal

Decided to write an application for the calculation? Dismissal - the process is not easy, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, has a certain procedure for registration and rules of document management. As a rule, the employer decides on its own: to an employee unused vacation before the termination of the employment contract or refund it in the form of material compensation. And which document in this case is a company employee, consider it more detailed in the article below.

Legal features

Labor Code (TK) of the Russian Federation Provides for an employee's vacation option with further dismissal (Article 127 TC). But the conditions must be carried out:

  • termination of the employment contract takes place at the initiative of the employee or by agreement of the parties;
  • the management of the enterprise approves the decision of the subordinate to take leave;
  • dismissal is not associated with a disciplinary offense or wine employee;
  • employer warned about vacation no later than 2 weeks ( st. 80 TC).

Registration of the application

So, if all the legislation "conditions" are completed, proceed to writing the document. As a rule, such paper has the structure of a standard application. When decorated, use the following recommendations:

  1. In the "header", specify information regarding the company (name, address, head of the head). Just below, write your data - FULL NAME, Position, Contact Phone. At the same time, indicate information about yourself in a dutiful case without a particle "from" (for example, Ivanov's engineer Ivan Ivanovich).
  2. Cover the document "Application".
  3. By text, specify your request for vacation with further dismissal. At the same time, do not forget to write:
    • the duration of the day of rest indicating specific dates;
    • the reason for dismissal.
  4. In conclusion, put the date and signature.

Important: The last day of vacation is the day of calculation. When making a statement, it is worth considering the schedule of vacation companies. If the employee wants to receive partial compensation instead of resting days, you must specify this fact in the document.

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Internal document flow

Based on the employee's application, the personnel department of the enterprise simultaneously issues two orders on vacation (T-6 / T6A) and on the dismissal (T-8 / T-8A). Accounting at the same time prepares receipt in the form of T-61 on the number of unused days of rest. All documents have unified forms approved by the Department of State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. They can be found on the official the site of the Ministry of Labor and Society of the Russian Federation Or you download the site slightly below.

With orders, the employee must be familiar with the receipt. In addition, according to the law, he shoulded holidays that the company is obliged to list no later than three days before the start of rest. If he does not agree with any decision of the leadership, he can challenge him through the court.

Download right now:

  1. Approximate Sample T-8;
  2. Approximate sample of filling out the order of dismissal in the form of T-8;
  3. Approximate Sample T-8A;
  4. Sample of filling the order T-8A;
  5. Sample Order of the T-6;
  6. T-6 filled sample;
  7. Approximate sample of order T6A;
  8. T-6A filled sample;
  9. Approximate Sample Notes T-61;
  10. Stuffed Sample T-61 Notes.

Exceptions from rules

Is it possible to increase the number of holidays? As a rule, it is impossible to extend such a vacation. However, there are exceptional cases (Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • the employee received a serious injury or lost disability during rest;
  • parallel execution of labor duties during the holidays (especially relevant for civil servants);
  • other situations marked Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Another example of a "non-standard situation" - when an employee changed his mind to dismiss. By law, he has the full right to withdraw its application, except for the following options:

  1. When a new candidate, passing internship (with documentary confirmation), has already been invited to the employee.
  2. If the decision remains voiced already during the holidays. In labor legislation, you can cancel dismissal until the order entry into force (Art. 127 Tk RF).

The company does the appropriate record in the workbook and outputs it to the hands of the employee in person or sends a registered letter. Recall that, using the next holiday before dismissal, according to the law the employee is not obliged to work for two weeks.

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