How to write a vacation application

How to write a vacation application

Before the employee of the enterprise goes to use vacation days at his own discretion, he must write a vacation application.

Strict writing requirements does not have a document. A statement is drawn up on a standard A4 sheet of format or populated on a typical form designed in an organization. Application structure Next:

  • In the upper right corner there is a paper cap. Here, in a dutiful case, you should specify the position, the name of the enterprise, the name and initials of the official, considering such applications. In the parental case, without prepositions under the name of the document, there is information about the post, surnames with the initials of the applicant.
  • In the center of the sheet from the capital letter is written the word "statement". The point at the end is not put.
  • From the Red Row must follow the text of the vacation application. In it, the employee asks the employer to provide a vacation, specifying temporary boundaries and causes (if necessary).
  • Date and signature.

Vacation Application Blank You can download from us.


Employees of the organization who have worked for more than 6 months have the right to the main (annual) vacation. It is provided according to the schedule of vacations approved for the current calendar year. If the employee's vacation period does not coincide with the schedule, then the application indicates the reason.

Example Application for Annual Vacation Swing here.

Separate category of workers ( article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) It has the right to an additional paid vacation. The list of such employees, for example, includes workers who combine work with study.

Example Application for Student Vacation You can download on our website.

When writing a vacation application without salary salary, an employee must specify a valid reason.

An example of a vacation application without salary salary Located here.

V Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation The right of pregnant women for pregnancy and childbirth is determined. The duration of such a vacation depends on the fruit of pregnancy and the flow of labor. Often, such applications include a request for benefits. A certificate of female consultation and hospital leaf is attached to the document.

An example of an application for maternity leave and childbirth Download here.

After leaving the maternity leave, the organization's employee has the right to write a statement about the provision of childcare leave. It can be used completely or in parts. The application is applied to the child's birth certificate. If the document sounds the request of an employee about the accrual of benefits, then a certificate is made from the workplace of the spouse with information that it does not receive a similar allowance and does not use the same vacation at its enterprise.

An example of an application for a child care vacation with a benefit payment and without You can download here.

If the employee intends to quit after the vacation provided to him, he must write a corresponding statement with the reason for his decision. At the same time, the last vacation day will be considered a day of dismissal.

An example of a vacation application with subsequent dismissal Download on our website.

Students of educational institutions have the right to write an application for an academic leave. In the main part of the document, the student must indicate the reason for his request.

An example of an application for academic leave You can download from us.

Based on the application received from the employee, an order is published, with which the employee is familiar with the signature.

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