How to issue a child care vacation

How to issue a child care vacation

As you know, the concept of "Decree" summarizes two different vacation periods, one of which is a child care vacation. Of course, it is preceded by rest in the pre-and postpartum period, and after his end, each employee of the enterprise can take advantage of legal right and abandon employment duties before reaching its 3-year-old champ. Consider a detailed procedure for designing such a vacation.

Norms of law

The basis for obtaining this vacation is the birth certificate of the baby and the desire of a woman to immerse themselves in maternity concerns for 3 years. The right to receive a decree associated with the care of the baby is regulated by article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It also spelled out the basic principles for its design.


Depending on the type of state payments, the childcare leave can be divided into two periods:

  1. Paid.
  2. Unpaid.

The first part of the decree lasts until the child achieves the child of the one and a half years, and the second - the remaining time ( Federal Law "On State Guidelines to Citizens Having Children", Article 14). In certain regions, enterprise executives continue to charge their employees in the form of a small monetary compensation (approximately 50 rubles). However, this support can be called an extremely rare case. The manual up to one and a half years, as a rule, is paid by the employer or the Social Insurance Foundation itself (depending on the situation). The right to get it is from any member of the family who carries out the baby.

Employment procedure for employed women

At the enterprise, the exit to the childcare leave requires proper documentary. Namely:

  • Make two different statements:
    1. On the accrual and payment of social benefits.
    2. On the provision of leave before execution by the child of 3 years.
  • To the application, attach the following papers:
    1. Certificate from the place of work of the second parent, indicating the non-treatment of this type of vacation and related compensation.
    2. Certificate of birth crumbs.
  • The first document is sent to the accounting department of the organization, and the second is to the personnel department. Make these actions no later than the last day of maternity leave.

Important: Frequently confused holidays in up / postpartum with childcare leave. Nevertheless, these are two completely different concepts, therefore, the documentation on them is also different. In each period of the periods are a separate statement.

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The mother of the child can at any time ahead of time to go to work or make a vacation on any family member. Such situations are accompanied by the preparation of relevant statements.
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The procedure for entering the decree for non-working women

Here you can talk only about the procedure for calculating child care benefits. To go on vacation in this case it is impossible, because Holidays from labor duties are assumed only for working women. The considered category of citizens includes girls who:

  • worked less than 6 months in the enterprise;
  • are officially unemployed;
  • students.

The algorithm of actions for all these persons is different:

  1. If you are not registered at the Employment Center (CZ) - contact the social protection authority (sobes) immediately after the birth of the child.
  2. When registering with a written application for a desire to care for a baby, send the body to the authorities on the last day of the end of the hospital.
  3. In the case of training at the full-time department, choose a method for obtaining social assistance (after the birth of the baby or after the end of pregnancy and childbirth).

It is noteworthy that the employee can take advantage of the right to leave for a child's care at any time until the three-year-old achievement. In this case, the Decretechitsy requires a little - to make a statement correctly and deliver it to the enterprise.

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